Chapter Forty-nine

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A/N~ I'm sorry this is somewhat of a short filler chapter but I wanted to update nonetheless!

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A/N~ I'm sorry this is somewhat of a short filler chapter but I wanted to update nonetheless!

The steel gauntlets clinked on the rusty boat railings. My mind was racing through so many thoughts at once, that I started to physically sway. The sea breeze caused my now short hair to tousle and move with it. My gaze was still locked on Cairnholm in the distance. The distress I was feeling was obviously showing on my face, as an older woman in a beige shawl approached me. I quickly hid my gauntlets in the folds of my dress, then the woman began to speak in high pitched yet gentle tone.

"You look like you have unfinished business lass." She stated. "Missing someone?" I glanced at her and thought about answering the question.

"You could say that." I answered simply.

"People come and go dear, its the way life goes unfortunately. But please, smile for what you have, good girl." With that, she hobbled away. I thought about her words of so-called wisdom.

I was going to miss it. Miss the feeling of triumph when I could use my peculiarity without fault. Miss the house and my warm bed with my family of friends down the hall. Miss the rowdy dinners and conversations about nothing that meant everything. Miss my reading stool in the basement while Enoch clicked and poked away at his hommunculi. Oh how I could live it all again.

My mind settled on Enoch, his face, his voice, his touch. My body ached for it. I remembered the first time I ever walked into his basement, and the last. The last time I ever breathed in the smell of his wool sweater, and looked into his brown eyes that held so much comfort. A bigger wave lapped up against the side of the ship, the occasional sea spray shooting upwards.

Suddenly, for the first time in too long, my mind cleared, the storm inside finally pausing for a ray of sun.

People may come and go, but I can choose wether or not to leave them behind.

The boats upper deck had cleared of people, as the dull grey clouds above had brought cold and wind with them.

So I looked out over the dark frothy sea and examined the outline of Cairnholm on the horizon. Looking down at the heavy steel encasing on my hands, I clenched my muscles inside them.

Without hesitating, I cautiously stepped one foot onto the railing. Then the other. Them I climbed over so that I was on the opposite side, loop my arms around the railing behind me to support myself. I pulled my suitcase over to my side of the railing.

Shakily, I exhaled. The water below drew me like a magnet. My mind flashed through images. First of fear, then of my grandmother, then of Miss Peregrine, then of Enoch. My mind calmed, and I decided.


"Oh my goodness! Stop her!" A woman shrieked behind me, but I paid no attention. My eyes glazed over.

Suddenly, a wave crashed up against the boat, tall enough for me to touch it with my foot. Except, it didn't crash back down. It froze there. So I let go of the railing, and stepped into it. I could barely hear the shouts of the people back on the boat, the sound of rushing water rang through my ears and filled my head.

My mind was set, and I let the intense feeling take over me. My vision became clearer, I was more aware. Aware of every drop of liquid around me, and the power I had to control them.

My water pedestal sank down to sea level, and I instinctively crouched down to plunge both my steel encased hands into the water. The sea water swirled around them. Within seconds, I heard the click of both locks, and the two gauntlets sank down the ocean floor.

I sighed with relief, stretching out my hands and watching the twinkling orbs of water spiral around my fingers. I noticed my suitcase floating beside me, surely it was too heavy to float, but I wasn't going to question it now.

Without the hesitation I suspected to have, I started walking. The stormy sea became calm wherever I stood. I was fixated on Cairnholm in the distance. I had come to the conclusion that I wasn't going to be gotten rid of that easily. I was peculiar, and knew that I wasn't staying in peculiar asylum for the rest of eternity.

So I started to run.

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