Chapter Forty-three

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A/N~ Sorry for the huge delay in this chapter :( unfortunately school has returned once again and I'm being swamped

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A/N~ Sorry for the huge delay in this chapter :( unfortunately school has returned once again and I'm being swamped. I'm trying my best, thank you for patience! xx

It was tomorrow, and I was very much freaking out. Miss Avocet would be watching, and Jacob and everyone else. There was no way I could do this. I sighed deeply at my notepad that I was trying to scribble down choreography on. I thought having something reminiscent of a plan of action would help, but concentrating was proving difficult. After crossing out another word or two, I tossed the paper and pen onto my bed with defeat. Finally realizing the only way I could prepare was by practice, and the thought of practicing sent a ripple of anxiety through me.

The door of my bedroom opened, and Enoch stepped in, closing the door behind him. I looked over my shoulder and gave him a quick smile. He continued to creep up behind me and casually wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. I guessed from this that he was in one of his occasional affectionate moods.

"Hi." I muttered softly, oddly surprised by his gesture.

"What are you doing?" He said into the skin of my neck.

"What do you think? It's tomorrow Enoch." I really didn't mean to sound as irritable as I did. "I should really go down to the shore and practice..." I added.

"You could do that, or we could do something fun." He replied, and I was slightly confused.

"Fun? Where do you suggest we go then?" I questioned, he didn't sound like himself.

"I was thinking of something fun, without leaving this room." I could feel him smirk against my shoulder. I let out a breathy laugh, he really was chancing himself. Spinning around to face him I examined his playful brown eyes.

"I don't know if that would help my situation though..." I smiled, raising an eyebrow.

He tightened his grip on my waist, looking down at me with intent. "You never know."

He noticed the faint look of happiness on my face, and took advantage of it. I realized how much I actually missed the feeling of his lips. My life had been taken over by other things until this point, so it was a welcome relief. He was definitely in charge, there was no fighting against his ideas.

I was barely concentrating on what was happening when I was gently pressed against my dresser. I quickly lifted myself up so that I was sitting on its wooden surface, my face now slightly above Enoch's. The elated feeling in my stomach intensified and I smiled into his mouth. I couldn't help it.

While tousling his mop of curly hair, a question crossed my mind, and I felt the need to ask it. I pulled away, much to Enoch's dismay.

"Do you think we can ever tell anybody, about y'know, this?" He kept his lips hovering near mine before he answered, he was breathing slightly heavier.

"Well... I don't know." I felt his warm breath against my lips again. I would've hoped he had an actual answer, but I suppose I couldn't expect too much either. He hurriedly reconnected our lips, a hand resting on my thigh.

Enoch's other hand delicately slipped under the hem of my T-shirt. It's coldness tingling on the warm skin of my waist. His subtle actions somehow said a lot of things, which I didn't mind.

I couldn't deny that this was definitely something fun.


After lunch, I persuaded Miss P to let me go down to the beach with my gramophone. Of course she ordered Olive to accompany me, which I didn't mind. There was always the niggling feeling in the back of my head that I would accidentally hurt again, but I preferred not to think about it.

Upon reaching the sand, Olive stood in front of me. I gave her a strange look, but she spoke against it.

"I'm going to ask you a question, and you have to answer truthfully. Ok?"

I paused for a second. "...ok." I had no idea where the red head was going with this.

"Are you and Enoch– you know..." She trailed off, assuming I understood her query. Unfortunately, I did.

I sighed deeply, contemplating how I was going to go about answering her. This, however, seemed to answer her question.

"I knew it!" She grinned, almost too joyfully. "It was so obvious." She was speaking like a proud mother, acting accomplished.

I couldn't help but crack a smile, it felt good that someone else knew.

"You can't tell a soul, ok?" She nodded knowingly, I really hoped I could trust in my friend.

"I won't, but still, this is another reason to make sure you stay here." She said, a small smile still etched on her face.

I rolled my eyes. "If only it were as simple as that. It's tomorrow Olive."

She nodded, ignoring my apparent attitude. "Exactly, which is why you've got to get to work."

I sighed again, but with a grin on my face this time. Olive chuckled, and placed a record onto the gramophone. The music started to float through the air, and I connected with the sea water under my feet.

With Enoch on my mind, I danced. I danced like he depended on it. 

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