Chapter Twenty-seven

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Enoch's P.O.V

She was so beautiful. Not just in appearance, her in general. Her voice, her smell, her personality, all of it. I've never had such a strong need to kiss someone, ever. I had a girlfriend, at least I think I did, Eden never made these things very clear. Still, I wanted to tell everybody about her. Except, that's exactly what I couldn't do. No one could know, because the bird would interrogate it out of them, and I didn't want to know what she'd have to say about it.

I'd woke up with my forehead millimetres from hers, so close, I could practically hear her heart beating. She was still sleeping, so I got examine every perfect feature on her face. I had tried not to let it slip how scared I was yesterday. Hell, I wasn't scared, I was terrified. Terrified she was floating dead somewhere, that I'd never get to see her again. At least she was here now, and I wasn't going to let her out of arms reach, unless absolutely necessary.

Her eyelashes opened like curtains, revealing her eyes, that were now my new favourite colour.

"Feeling better?" I asked, she looked it. She was no longer white as chalk, and the dark circles under her eyes had faded.

She nodded, fumbling around a bit before pulling her arm out from under the cover to check her watch. "We should probably get up."


Neither of us moved.

"You first." She muttered into the covers.

"It's my bed." I replied. "You first."

She groaned dramatically. "Fine, I'll go change, then we can have breakfast before the others get up." With that, she reluctantly climbed off the bed and walked towards the door.


Eden's P.O.V

I slipped my cardigan on, and laced up my usual boots

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I slipped my cardigan on, and laced up my usual boots. One of the pluses to living in a loop, I'll never grow out of them. I quickly but quietly, made my way down the stairs to the kitchen. Enoch was dressed in his usual wool jumper and was sitting at the table. There was a strong smell of burnt toast lingering in the room.

"I fixed you breakfast. I know it's just cereal, but it's the only thing I can't burn." He stated, making me giggle.

"It's fine." I smiled, sitting next to him and picking up a spoon. I noticed there was only a single bowl, Enoch was only sipping a glass of water. "Are you not having anything?"

"Not hungry." He shrugged.

Without warning, the kitchen door opened, and a line of yawning children walked out. Little Bronwyn, leading the line, says a cheerful 'good morning.'

Miss Peregrine enters the room last, flicking her pocket watch up to check the time.

"Right children, breakfast first, then teeth brushed. Then everyone be outside and ready for our walk." She ordered, reciting this morning's timetable. A chorus of 'Yes Miss Peregrines' was everyone's reply.

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