Chapter Six

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It took a moment after I closed the door behind me for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they did, what I saw shocked me.

Hearts. Hearts everywhere. Big ones, small ones, they were every where. Floating in glass jars, filled with a thick, yellow liquid. I extremely hoped they belonged to animals, even then, thinking about it made me queasy.

Gulping, I took a step forward. A tall shelf, packed with jars, blocked my view of the rest of the room. The smell alone was enough to deter any sane person.

Walking hesitantly on the balls of my feet, I poked my head around the shelf. There was a dirty desk covered in rusty surgical tools and nightmare-worthy doll limbs. I took a sharp inhale and walked out from, behind the shelf.

Olive who was looking out the small window, saw me first and gave me a small smile. She then turned to the tall, dark haired boy, who had his back facing me, and tapped him on the shoulder. He shrugged her off. He must of not heard me come in.

Plucking up some courage I decided to make myself known.

"Hello?" I said. This seemed to catch the boy's attention and he turned his head to the side.
"I'm new and I just wanted to introduce myself, my name's Eden Moore." I said, hoping the boy would turn around and show his face.

I heard him set down what he was working on and then he proceeded to turn to face me. His dark hair was parted to the side and cleanly shaven. His eyes were brown and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"When'd you get here?" He spat in a thick Scottish accent. He seemed to dislike people coming into his room.

"About an hour ago, so what's your name?" I replied, I already knew, but I decided to give conversation a try.

"Why do you care?" He retorted.

"Why wouldn't I?" I answered, raising an eyebrow. I knew how to play this game.

He looked me directly in the eyes, he had a cold stare. He was quite handsome, in an annoying sort of way.

"What can you do? You must be pretty special since Ms. Peregrine collected you herself." He said, looking away.

I assumed that the headmistress always went to collect new children but I guess that mustn't be the case.

I opened by mouth to speak but no sound came out.

Trying once again to answer, I said;

"I, don't exactly know, yet.". I decided to be truthful this time, they would find out sooner or later anyway.

The boy seemed to do a double take, then said; "You don't know? Ms. Peregrine must be going batty!".

I didn't have an answer to that, so I looked at the floor awkwardly, then decided I should leave.

"Nice meeting you." I said quietly, not necessarily meaning it.

"Wait!" I heard Olive say. I looked at her.

"Since you're here, do you want to see his peculiarity?" She continued, gesturing to Enoch.

"If he's ok with it." I replied.

I saw Olive have a silent conversation with Enoch and it ended with him nodding.

Olive gave me a smile and nodded. I made my way over to the cluttered desk and stood beside her.

Enoch turned in to the desk with a pair of long, metal tweezers and a small jar containing two hearts that looked as though they had belonged to a pair of small mammals.

Next, he pulled open a drawer and took out a a doll, it looked like a mutant mashup of a children's toy and voodoo doll. It had scissors for hands and birds talons for feet. Then he reached behind him and grabbed the doll he had been working on before I came in. This one had metal spider legs and hands made of small kitchen knives.

Part of me wondered where he got all of this stuff, surely purchasing this many pickled hearts would get anyone into trouble with the law.

He placed the two dolls side by side on the table, this is when I noticed that they both had gaping holes in their chest. Enoch then unscrewed the lid of the jar and dipped his tweezers into it, pulling out one of the hearts.

Then, with the precision and care of a surgeon, placed it into the chest cavity of the first doll. He did the same thing with the second.

I stared at the two terrifying dolls for a moment, Enoch then sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, as if waiting for something to happen.

Then miraculously, the tiny hearts started to beat, rising and falling quickly. My eyes widened, Enoch seemed to notice this, and looked smug.

Then the two dolls started to twitch and move. Then they slowly rose to their feet.

Olive turned to me and whispered, "He's a dead riser, they do whatever he tells them."

I was more than curious to find out what he would make the two dolls do, so watched intently.

The two dolls looked around at their surroundings. They were kind of cute, in a creepy sort of way. I smiled as they noticed each other and jumped back in shock.

Noticing me smiling, Enoch glanced at me, then leaned in to the doll with scissors for hands, and whispered something in its ear. The doll then looked at its brother, snapping its hands menacingly.

I had a feeling what was going to happen next wasn't going to be so cute.

A/N~ The video and pic aren't mine, all credit for the video goes to ClairestintheLand!

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