Chapter Fifteen

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Dinner went well, everyone talking and laughing happily to each other. They still were complimenting me on the 'surprise performance' earlier. The reset went as usual, still scaring the living daylights out of me. Then everyone slowly trickled off to bed. I broke my promise of looking through the photos, as I fell asleep as soon as I made contact with the sheets. Dreaming dreams of stormy seas, a woman with gills, and a terrifying invisible beast.

It became routine that everyday, I would bring Enoch his lunch. I'm not sure how this came to be, but it was happening nonetheless. Our interactions started out as few mumbles, then an occasional 'Thank you', and they got longer from there. Sometimes the headmistress had to send Olive down to fetch me, as she'd, quote 'Sent me down there twenty minutes ago'.

I enjoyed our lengthening conversations. We didn't talk about much, but I did crack a few jokes that made him smile, they were that bad. We exchanged histories, mine being mediocre a best, compared to his epic funeral parlour battles. I discovered we had a lot in common, other than his lack of cheer of course. We both hated bossy people, he was quite interested about military items and vehicles, so I non directly started to tell him about modern warfare. I knew I wasn't supposed to, but who wouldn't break a rule to make a friend? He really enjoyed this, asking many questions like how big the tanks were, were robots taking over the world and who was fighting who.

Every morning I went for 'Peculiar training' with Miss Peregrine. Everyday it ended in failure. It was really getting on my nerves now, the constant disappointment, I starting to doubt whether or not I was peculiar at all. I'd read all the books, understood every concept, but nothing. Not single hint of anything, even remotely peculiar.

I continued to dance, but I decided to not do it in secret all the time. Every time I finished, I turned to see a small audience, but there was one person who was always there. No matter where I was. Enoch.

I'd made plenty of other friends besides him though. Olive and I did everything together, Millard suggested books for me to read and Hugh and I played truth or dare a lot. Emma was great to talk to when my lessons didn't go well, Fiona was the sweetest girl I'd ever met and Horace was constantly trying to redesign my wardrobe. I even spent time with the twins, we played hide and seek with Claire and Bronwyn.

It was now almost a week into my new life and I had to say, it wasn't as bad as I thought. If anything, it was better.

A/N~ I'm really sorry it's short, I've been busy with exams :'(

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