Chapter Twelve

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Eden's P.O.V
I examined the little clay figure in my hands, he wriggled and waved his little arms around. I decided to put him down, hoping he'd make his way back to his owner.

Out of nowhere, Enoch dived from the other side of the tree I was sitting at, grabbing the little man with both hands. I looked at him confused, his eyes widened slightly as he shuffled up onto his knees.

"I'm guessing he's ours?"

"Yeah." He blurted, shoving the little man into his pocket.

I gave him a small smile, marking my page in my book, and setting it aside.

'What'd Miss P want?" He asked gruffly, not making eye contact.

I looked down at my lap, then answered. "Just to make sure I didn't talk about the future, and she gave me free access to the bookshelf."

"We have a bookshelf?" He replied, raising an eyebrow. I laughed at this, and for a split second, I thought I saw him smile too.

I shuffled over to his side of the tree to see what he was doing. He cleared his throat nervously, and concentrated on his new homunculus.

He picked up a small metal pin from his makeshift workstation, and stuck it in his mouth. Grabbing a butter knife, that he modified so he could attach it his doll's arm, he slotted it into its place. He took the pin from between his lips and stuck it in, presumably to keep the weapon in place. Holding the pin in place, he reached out to attempt to grab a small pliers, but it was just out of reach.

While he grasped at the air, I leaned over and grabbed the tool he needed, and handed it to him

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While he grasped at the air, I leaned over and grabbed the tool he needed, and handed it to him.

"Uh, thanks." He mumbled, but I heard it.

I decided to pick up my book and read while he worked. I thought I could see him glance up at me occasionally, as if checking if I was still there.

About fifteen minutes had passed in silence, but nothing needed to be said, I was enjoying myself all the same. I looked up to see Olive walking towards us.

"Hello Eden!" She greeted, "Enoch."

Enoch grunted in response, not looking up.

"Hey Olive." I said, standing up and brushing myself off.

As she reached us, she added "I love your outfit Eden! If only I could get myself a pair of those lovely.... um, what are they called?"

"Jeans, and I have a spare pair you can have if you like, I'd say they'd fit you perfectly." I responded, smiling.

Olive clapped her hands excitedly, "Thank you! Also, Miss Peregrine has asked if you would like to join us on a stroll around the island?"

"I'd like that." I agreed.

"Great! Come on, the others are ready to go." She turned and began walking toward the assembling group of children, lead by the headmistress.

I began to follow her, then turned to acknowledge the boy still sitting on the grass.

"Are you coming Enoch?" I questioned. He looked up at me, then at the group of children.

He looked back at me again, then nodded.

Placing his tools on the ground and getting up, we made our way over to the congregation of children. When everyone is ready, we set off, marching in an orderly line. As we walk, everyone breaks off into twos or threes.

I was at the back of the line beside Olive and Enoch. Suddenly I feel a small warm hand slip into mine, it belongs to Claire. I smile at her, she gives me a goofy grin in return.

Enoch's P.O.V
I don't always enjoy these walks around the island, but today was different. The cold breeze felt good, the gravel under my feet felt good, I felt good. I didn't know what was wrong with me, maybe I was getting sick.

A small giggle caught my attention, it was little Claire, holding Eden's hand. I watched the two smile and laugh at each other, then Eden kneeled down beside Claire and whispered something in her ear. Claire got very excited and jumped onto Eden's back. She was giving her a piggy back. They caught up, Claire laughing and grinning the whole time.

"Look Claire, you're taller than Enoch!" Eden exclaimed.

Claire giggled. "I can see the top of your head Enoch!"

I noticed Eden struggling to keep Claire on her back, so I lifted Claire off of her and put her on my shoulders.

"Now you're taller than everybody." I said. She began to mess up my hair with her hands.
"Oi!" I said loudly. She only laughed harder, sticking her hands up in the air.

Eden laughed. She smiled at Claire, then at me. For the first time in bird knows how long, I smiled. It was quick, and semi-hidden, but it was a smile.

So this was what it's like to feel good.

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