Chapter Fourteen

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A/N~ Short one sorry :/

I pulled on my dance clothes, grabbed a record, I didn't care which one. Barefoot and carrying the gramophone, I made my way downstairs. Fresh tears welling in my eyes. This is what I did whenever I got this feeling, the feeling that you're sinking, that you're drowning. I was barely looking where I was going as I stormed towards the front door.

Then I hit someone with my shoulder

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Then I hit someone with my shoulder. I heard them speak, but I didn't listen.

"Watch- Oh." I could tell by his gruff voice, that it was Enoch.

I glanced up at him just enough so he could see my teary eyes, then continued my march to the door. I felt his eyes burning a hole in my back as I opened it and then closed it again.

I didn't know where I was going, although I didn't care either. I was going somewhere, and that's all I needed to know. Somehow I ended up on a small patch of sand next to the sea. I could still see the children's home behind me. The sea was oddly stormy, with every wave reaching the shore crashing and getting pulled back in. Only to be sent back out more violently.

I set down the gramophone on the sand, and unpackaged the record I'd brought. I never remembered packing them, they were stuffed into the bottom of my suitcaseand wrapped up t-shirts, all of them were songs I liked. Samuel must have snuck them in for me.

Placing it on the spinner, and winding it up with the handle on the side, like I'd saw Miss Peregrine do at the reset.

"Please work, please work." I chanted quietly, delicately placing the needle on the spinning record. Music began to blare out of it.
I exhaled shakily, to many people it would seem strange that I do this when I'm upset or angry, rather than talk about it. I do it because it forces me to think only about what I was doing right there and then, and by the time he song ends, I've forgotten about what was troubling me. The only problem was, it wasn't a permanent fix.

The music filled my head and I started to dance. My mind switched to 'Dance mode' as Samuel had jokingly called it back in Belfast.

Even with dancing, it was going to take a while for me to forget about my Grandmother with gills, and the shadowy monsters that chased her into hiding.

Enoch's P.O.V

I had no idea why I followed her, but I did. She looked dishevelled, and had a look in her eye that practically screamed 'Leave me alone'. She was barefoot and headed straight for the cove where the others went swimming occasionally. I stopped on the ledge over looking the cove, she couldn't see me, at least I hoped so.

She set up the gramophone and a song I'd never heard before started to play. Her body seemed to be taken over by an unseen force, then she danced.

Her eyes were closed as she moved. The sea, which was thrashing when she got there first, got quieter. Everything seemed to slow down to watch her.

As I watched, I noticed Bronwyn sneak up beside me, then Claire, then Hugh and Millard. Soon all of us were crouched on the ledge watching from a distance. Even the bird showed up standing with her arms crossed and a small smile on her lips.

Then the song ended, and the dance did to. I wondered how'd she react once she saw all of us watching her. Then Hugh jumped up and shouted, "That was bloody brilliant!" He started to clap, and everyone joined in.

Her head whipped around, her eyes wide. She turned bright pink and looked down at her bare feet.

Miss P beckoned her up, and she picked up the gramophone and started to walk up to where we were.

Eden's P.O.V

They were watching? How did I not see them?! I shifted the gramophone in my arms. When I reached the ledge where they were gathered, there was a chorus of clapping and a hug from Claire accompanied with a sweet "You were like a ballerina princess".

I didn't enjoy the attention as much as I should have, I muttered a thank you and the joined them in the walk back for dinner. Staring at the ground the entire time. The positive side of this was that I felt somewhat better, I still made a mental decision to look through all of my Gran's photos tonight, and maybe I could piece together where she was, or if she was still alive.

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