Chapter Thirty

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"Enoch, get up

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"Enoch, get up."

He didn't stir. Our ferry was due to leave in half an hour.

"Enoch." I spoke again, prodding his shoulder. He let out a inaudible mutter and rolled over so his back was facing me. I couldn't speak any louder than how I was, I didn't want to wake anyone else.

So I leaned right over the edge of his bed, and spoke into his ear. "Wake uppppp." I said, dragging it out until he stirred. He eyes snapped open and he rubbed them.

"Sorry." He mumbled, sitting up.

"We have to go." I whispered. He nodded and stood up, I faced away so he could change out of his pyjamas. I turned back around to see him adjusting his shirt collar.

I was wearing clothes that were more fitted to the present. Old blue jeans, a white t-shirt that was patterned with tiny swallow birds, and a giant maroon coloured cardigan. I'd also shoved a copy of Robin Crusoe into my brown messenger bag for the journey.

"Might have to get you some more modern clothes." I suggested, he smirked and shrugged. Better to fit in then stand out in our situation. I was still a tad nervous about him leaving the loop, he might say he can last a day or two, but the prospect of him ageing forward still petrified me.

"Yeah, I just need..." He said, walking over to the shelf behind his desk, grabbing one or two jars.

"You don't need to bring hearts Enoch."

"Do you want me to come or not?"

I sighed. As long as we got there, I didn't care too much. I still was trying to push why I was going out of my head, just a visit. A quick visit. This was the only thing keeping me calm.

He picked up his things, and we made our way out of his bedroom.


Miss Peregrine was already up to bid us farewell, I'd said goodbye to everyone else individually last night, telling white lies about why I was making the trip to the younger children. The headmistress sighed, looking us both up and down.

"We'll be fine." I reassured her, before she had a chance to express her worries.

Miss P nodded, stepping forward and raising her hands to my face. I felt her warm fingertips gently trace my cheeks and smiled slightly.

"Look after yourselves." She said, glancing to look at Enoch.

With that, she turned and opened the front door for us, and we walked out, turning back for one final goodbye. As soon as we were a good distance away for the house, Enoch's hand grabbed mine, lacing his fingers with my own. I liked when he did that. It almost made me feel better.

We made our way out of the cairn, carrying our luggage along with us. Once out of 1940, I led Enoch to the dock, where the six o'clock ferry was waiting. I let go of his hand to hand out tickets to the man collecting them, he gave us a friendly nod and allowed us on. It was colder in the present, the air had more bite.

That Peculiar Feeling | Mphfpc ~Enoch O'Connor~Where stories live. Discover now