Chapter Sixteen

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"Just tell me."

"No, I don't see why you need to know either."

I sighed, I had accidentally mentioned World War Two to Enoch, and now he was determined find out who won.
I was sitting in his room, while he worked on carving out a little clay man.

"Did Hitler live? What happened?" He asked, persistently.

"Enoch, Miss P wouldn't be happy if I told you." I replied, sighing. I had started calling the headmistress that, now that I knew her better.

"I won't say anything! Please?" I looked up from my book as he said this, his brown eyes wide and hopeful. He really did want to know.

"The allies won." I mumbled, half expecting him not to hear it. Unexpectedly, he jumped from his seat.
"I knew it! Those Germans didn't stand a chance!" He rejoiced. It sounded odd to hear him so excited.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my book, muttering; "This is why the Irish didn't get involved in these things." 

He returned to his seat, placing his clay project back on the desk. Glancing at me, he said; "Anne of green gables again? What happened to Peter Pan?".

"Finished it." I stated, not looking up. It was true that I'd read it more times than I'd care to count, but I always found myself going back to the story. It struck me to think that Enoch of all people, paid attention to something as insignificant like the book I was reading.

He gave a 'hmpf' and continued fiddling with his clay creation. I checked my watch, half past three. I uncrossed my legs and stood up.

"I have to go, I promised Hugh I'd play truth or dare with him and Millard." I said, fixing my dress Olive had gifted me yesterday. Enoch looked up and nodded; "Fine." He sighed. For a moment he sounded disappointed.

I smiled at him and headed for the door, but before I left I added, "Please don't tell anyone what I said, I'd like to stay here as long as I can.".

Enoch's P.O.V

I looked at her and nodded, in truth, I wanted her to stay too. As long as she possibly could.

Miss P was getting worried about her though, worried she'd never find her peculiarity. I'd seen her come out of 'training' disappointed, her brows furrowed. The headmistress was talking to me about it, and she mentioned something about the peculiar side of her being trapped, which then causes it to build up if it's not released.  The most frightening thing though, was that one day it would explode out of her. Depending on what her peculiarity was, it could cause more damage than a bomb.

I blinked and shook my head, trying to concentrate on the clay in my hands.

I was always the first to know when she was dancing. I have no idea why, I just knew. So now when people saw me walking somewhere, they followed. She especially liked it by the sea, I knew this because I could see the shore from the upstairs window. The waves seemed to move with her, silly as it sounds.

It was strange, every time I saw her, or she spoke, I felt peculiar. No pun intended. It was like someone grabbed my insides and decided to give them a yank. She was so, positive. On the outside anyway. That still doesn't give me any clue why she would willingly visit me. I mean, who wants to come down to a dark basement, filled with organs? She was kind, slightly headstrong, and so childishly funny, she could make your sides hurt with a bad pun. Not to mention she's cheerful, incredibly smart and pretty...
I cleared my throat loudly and shook my head. It was getting almost impossible to concentrate now. Did I just think what I thought I thought? This girl was really messing up my head.


Eden's P.OV

As I left the basement, I headed outside, Hugh and Emma were sitting on the grass. They were facing away from me and having a hushed conversation. I began to walk up to them, but I stopped in my tracks as I heard my name being said.

"Don't you think it's a bit, well, strange?" Whispered Horace.

"I guess, but..." Emma replied, trailing off.

"Wouldn't it be terrible if your peculiarity was just to go through loops?" Horace added.
I was standing behind them, not making a sound, I wanted to hear what they had to say.
"Yeah, I pity her really, imagine being a peculiar with no peculiarity." Emma said, in a sorrowful tone.

I was peculiar. Wasn't I? Or was I just a dud? Like the universe made a mistake, but decided to throw it in with the good batch anyway.

"I'd say the bird will send her back, 'Dreadfully sorry, but it seems your daughter isn't special after all.' " Horace said, imitating Miss Peregrine's voice.

"Oh come on Horace, we don't know yet, she still might find something..." Emma replied in my defence.

"Emma, it's been two weeks now! It's unlikely to say the least." Horace stated.

It felt like a weight had just been dropped in my stomach. They pitied me. I was angry at them, but I believed what they said. I wasn't peculiar. I should just leave while I still can, it's not like they're going to miss me anyways. I turned to walk away, but I froze to hear Emma call me.

"Eden! I- we-" she stuttered, looking to Hugh for help. He looked down, obviously having nothing to say.

I stood stiff, facing away from them. The feeling was back, but it was different, like a burning whirlpool inside me. I didn't want to be angry! I wasn't angry! Of course the feeling in my stomach didn't listen to my silent plea.

"Listen, we didn't mean what we said, we-" Said Emma, reaching for my hand. I jerked it out of her reach, turning my head to the side.

"You're right." I muttered softly.

"What? No, Eden..." Emma protested. I don't know what took over me, I just walked away. I walked to the only place my feet would willingly take me. I put my hand in my pocket, and pulled out me of the photos that my grandmother had left for me. Looking at it only made the feeling worse.

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