Chapter Twenty-three

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Enoch's P.O.V

My eyes squinted open, light of morning sun glared down at my face through the window. As I blinked myself awake, I started to remember why I was in Eden's room.

I remember going to leave, to get back to my own room. But she insisted I stay, just until she fell asleep. That plan obviously backfired. She picked up a book and sat on the floor, her back against the bed, then patted the ground the ground next to her for me to sit. I did, and she did the one thing I hoped she would, read aloud. I liked her voice; it might be the accent, or just the way it rises and falls according whatever she's reading. I couldn't help closing my eyes while I listened, arms crossed over my chest.

She was still sleeping, leaning slightly on my shoulder. The book still open on her lap, a single black curl hanging down over her forehead. She made a lot of expressions when she slept, more than when she was awake. I could probably tell what kind of dream she was having just by her eyebrow movements. I liked how she smelled too, vanilla. I carefully rolled my shoulders, wondering what time it was.

"I'm up! I'm... oh." A sudden movement caught my attention, Eden had jerked awake. Her voice was throaty and dry. I watched as she brought a hand to her eyes and rubbed them.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Mor- Enoch? Oh, I guess you fell asleep in here." She replied sleepily.

I nodded. "Do you know what time it is?"

She raised her arm and checked her watch. "It's- oh no." Her eyes widened and she jumped to her feet. Yanking open the top drawer of her dresser, she reached in and pulled out a dress. I stood up, still confused as to why she was in such a rush.

"Could you?-" She said, finishing the sentence by twirling her finger around in the air. Realising, I put my hands in my pockets and turned my back to her. There was some shuffling and after a minute or two, she spoke again.

"Alright, you can look now."

I spun around, my hands still in my pockets

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I spun around, my hands still in my pockets. I was trying my best to hide how incredibly happy I felt, she liked me. Did this mean we were... a thing now? Of course nobody could know, especially Miss Peregrine, she'd murder us. My mind was racing with good and not-so-good thoughts. Eden smiled at me as she loosely braided her hair over her shoulder. Her smile, something so small that could make me incapable of feeling anything but happy. It was a just bonus that she was probably the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Looking at her made me notice how small she was. Not height wise, even if she was a little short, but she just seemed fragile to me.

There was a sharp knock on the bedroom door, and both our faces dropped. Eden cleared her throat and replied to the knock.

"Who is it?"

"Miss Peregrine, can you open the door please?"

"S-sure, just give me one second."

We made panicked eye contact, and she mouthed an urgent 'Hide'. I took the split second decision of crawling under the bed. I had just gotten under when I heard the door click open.

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