Chapter Thirteen

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We had gotten back from our enjoyable walk in sun, and Miss Peregrine was in the middle of making sandwiches for lunch.

"Eden dear, would you mind taking Enoch his lunch, he should be in the basement." She asked, placing two perfectly symmetrical ham sandwiches on a plate and handing it to me.

"Sure." I replied, taking the plate carefully with two hands.

Enoch had disappeared as soon as we had gotten back. He seemed to be having fun with me, Olive and Claire earlier, I would have hoped he would at least have lunch with us.

I knocked on the door to the basement, then opened it, being careful not to drop the plate.

Enoch was standing with his back to me.

"Here's your lunch." I said, setting down the plate on his desk.

He mumbled gruffly in response, not even bothering to turn around. He was smiling earlier, but now it was like he was annoyed at me.

"Something bothering you?" I questioned. He simply shook his head and grunted, still not turning around.

"Alright then, see you around." I said, slightly hurt. Did he not remember earlier? Did I say something that upset him?

I turned and walked to the door, taking one more glance at him. Then closing the door behind me.

"Eden, could you come see me alone for a moment?" Miss Peregrine called as I walked passed her room.

I back-tracked and stepped into her office. Sitting down in the chair across from her.

"That envelope you gave me, were you aware of its contents?" She questioned. I noticed the fat, now opened, envelope on the desk in front of her.

"No Miss." I replied, truthfully. When my mother gave it to me, I had just assumed it was some legal stuff, or information on my so-called 'conditions'.

"You may not know this, but I happened to be good friends with your grandmother, Adeline Porter."

I wasn't expecting her to bring this up, my mother's mother was known as the neighbourhood crazy lady. So my family, paranoid of losing their precious reputation, disowned her. I wasn't allowed to visit her, see her, or speak her name. Then, one month after this, there was her face, on the front page of the Irish Times. She had disappeared without a trace, no DNA, no note, no nothing.

"Really? You do know she disappeared last year, right?" I replied.

The headmistress looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "I was informed, but what you need to see is what she left you in this envelope."

She pushed the envelope towards me. For some reason my hands were shaking, I stuck my hand into the envelope and pulled out a stack of assorted papers, notes and photos. On the stop of the pile was a crumpled piece of parchment, labelled in big black lettering 'READ FIRST'.

 On the stop of the pile was a crumpled piece of parchment, labelled in big black lettering 'READ FIRST'

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