Chapter Eighteen

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The wave hit the side of the house like a bulldozer. Bashing against the wood and splashing outwards.

I heard screams. Screams of little Claire and the flustered shouts of Emma. The only one who wasn't in a state of panic, was the one who found me in the first place. When I heard Bronwyn start to whimper, I just stopped. Everything stopped. I sank to my knees, holding my pounding head in my hands. White noise drowned out everything, like a old, broken television.

That's all I remember.


I groaned and squinted, trying to regain some vision. I was laying on my back, in my bedroom? It felt like someone had hit me over the head with a jackhammer. Slowly, I leaned forward, and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I stared at my face in the mirror across from me. I looked absolutely awful, like a skeleton. The circles under my eyes at least five shades darker. I looked sick, I felt sick.

There was murmuring outside my door. Hushed voices in the midst of an argument. I slowly made my way to the door. Listening intently.

"What do you mean we can't go in?"

"For your own safety."

"Safety my ars! So you're just going to lock her in there?"

"Enoch! Language please!"

I looked at the door for a moment, before deciding to let them know I was there by knocking lightly. The voices went silent, then the door opened and the headmistress slipped in. A grim expression on her face.

"Eden, do you remember what happened yesterday?" She asked, she said it in a voice that made me feel like a child.

I thought to myself before answering. I've been unconscious for since yesterday? I didn't remember a large chunk of what happened, but enough to know that I'd found my peculiarity.

"W-was that it?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"I'm afraid so." She nods, somehow understanding what I meant.

I stared at my hands for a minute. "Did it cause much damage? When it hit the house?"

"Two holes in the roof, and Miss Densmore now has a new window." She sighed.

I didn't answer, just continued to stare at my hands. Then after a moment, I spoke.

"There's something wrong isn't there. Something wrong with me." I said quietly. I had the strangest sensation in the pit of my stomach, like I was being pulled into the floor.

"There is nothing wrong with you, you're just a tad different."

I looked up when she said that, my tangled hair covering a large portion of my face.

"That's what they all said. My parents, my teachers, now you." I spat, a sudden aggression in my voice. "I just want to be left alone."

The headmistress nodded solemnly, turning rigidly towards the door. Before she left, she turned her head to the side and stated; "I'll have your lunch brought up to you."

Then she left. Locking the door behind her. I quickly went to the door and knocked loudly on it.

"Wait, don't leave me in here..." I said loudly. When there was no answer, I sighed and leaned with my back against the door. Sinking down to the floor, I held my head in my hands. I'd done it again. Messed everything up. Made things worse when they couldn't possibly do so.

I thought that the events of yesterday would make me feel better, since I was peculiar, but it really didn't. I felt worse than I had in a long time. I had scared and hurt the friends I'd waited so long to have, and even though I was peculiar, I still wasn't normal.

A knock on door I was leaning on made me jump. Then a gruff voice spoke from the other side.

"Eden, it's Enoch."

That Peculiar Feeling | Mphfpc ~Enoch O'Connor~Where stories live. Discover now