Chapter Thirty-nine

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Watery consummation

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Watery consummation

Empress of the coast

Weightless liberation

I float like a ghost.

In these cradling waters

Silken bubbles glint

Penetrate my being

Seep into my skin


Enoch's P.O.V

Emma told me as she passed that Jacob had left, but I was too focused on the steady drip coming from inside the bathroom. She shouldn't be in there alone. I paced back and forth outside the door, while my mind fought with itself.

"Eden open the door."


"Please come out." I said louder, knocking this time.

No reply.

"Please, I'm sorry." My voice hitched. This wasn't right, something wasn't right.

There was a small sound of water rippling from inside the room, the dripping stopped.

I tried the handle of the door for the third time, somehow expecting it to no longer be locked.

So many bad thoughts ran through my head, and my had became skin was hot and flushed. I was going in, I had to go in.

"I'm coming in."

Taking a step back, I proceeded to ram my shoulder into the door. Wincing at the dull pain lingering in my side, I did it again. This time the lock gave in, and I paused to catch my breath.

When my vision focused, my heart went to the pit of my stomach and jumped to my mouth all at once.

There she was, ghostly white skin submerged under the water, hair swirling all around her expressionless face. But one thing sent my senses spiraling into the dark.

The water was crimson.

I lunged myself the edge of the bath so fast, I landed on my knees next to the tub. She was almost levitating motionless in the water, under the surface but not touching the bottom. Every part of me was tensed as I shouted.

"No, no. No!" My throat was dry, and every word caused pain, but I couldn't stop. I plunged both my hands into the blood-tinted water and grabbed her by the shoulders. I was breathing so hard my chest hurt, but I used all my strength to pull her out. The water tried to hold her there, gripping onto her flesh like a prize it could not give up. I hauled her away, her limp frame rested on the ground, and with shaking hands I pulled her head and shoulders onto my lap.

"No, this isn't- come on, open your eyes!" I pulled her chest up to my ear, listening for the sound I so desperately needed to hear. Gripping her shoulders, I waited for the sound of her heart. She wasn't breathing, but there was the faintest noise from her chest, getting quieter with every second.

"Somebody! Miss Peregrine!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to the open door and hallway. I desperately wiped her dripping hair away from her face, running my hand across her forehead in some hopeless effort to comfort her.

There were gashes on her forearms, blood still escaping. Then I noticed the scissors on the floor, perfect speckles of red along its edge. I suppressed the urge to scream until I woke up from this unescapable nightmare. Hiding chill in my bones, I pleaded to her expressionless face.

"Come on Eden, wake up. Don't go- please don't go." I stifled a sob, my hands her shaking uncontrollably as they cradled her face.

There was a pounding of shoes on wood, and Miss Peregrine appeared in the door of the bathroom. Her stern facade faltered when she saw the girl I was cradling, and she resorted to supporting herself on the doorframe. I pleaded with my eyes for her to do something.

Without a word, threw herself down beside me, pressing two manicured fingers to Eden's neck. Taking her unconscious torso into her own lap, Miss Peregrine looked at me, this was the first time I had seen general uncertainty in her face. She was just as scared as I was.

"Help me carry her." The headmistress ordered, but just before I stood up, Eden's eyelids cracked open. Her eyes were glassy and dull, her gaze rolled to look at me. For a moment she just examined my face, until something clicked back into place and her face suddenly looked awake and alert. She lay stiff as a board, eyes clouded over, almost completely without a reflection. A strangling noise came from behind her closed lips, and her arms began to tremble. I could only watch in terror as the water in the bath and splashed around the tiled floor began to vibrate. The red bath water was moving with such force, I swore it was trying to escape over the sides of the tub. Miss Peregrine pursed her lips and firmly placed her hand on the girl's forehead. Eden's lips parted, and crystal clear water flowed out and rolled down the side of her face. Her eyes fell shut once again and the violently thrashing water stilled.


Miss Peregrine had been tending to her for over and hour now, we'd layed her down on her bed and she'd quickly ushered me out of the room. It was nearing midnight and the other children had been sent to bed. Miss Peregrine notified the older ones about the 'incident' but of course had refused to tell the smaller ones what had happened.

I didn't know if Miss P realized I was still waiting outside, but I was. I wasn't going to leave either, until I got to see her. It wasn't as if I was going to sleep that night either way.

Miss Magpie's Home for Unstable Peculiars

That is what I could not get out of circulation in my thoughts. I felt so angry, and like I was going to burst out in tears at the same time. I didn't like this feeling. I didn't even know if she was alive in there, and it terrified me. The door clicked and opened slowly, I heart jumped in my chest.

"You can go in." Said Miss Peregrine. "Try not to disturb her, and return to your room as soon as you're ready." I gave her a solemn nod.

I closed the door behind me, and looked at her lying still and unmoving in her bed. Her skin was so pale it was tinged with blue, making her bright pink lips stand out on her unconscious features. Her forearms were bandaged where her wounds were, and her chest rose and fell slowly.

Sitting on the chair next her bed, I simply stared at her closed eyes, willing silently for them to open and for everything to be ok. Seeing her like this reminded me dreadfully of Victor, which just upset me more. My eyes stung and I hurriedly raised my hand to rub them.

I reached and took Eden's chilled hand in my own, treating it as if it was made of porcelain. Tracing my thumb back and forth over her skin, it was then I realized something. I let this person in. I let her in. This wonderful, amazing, beautiful girl. I opened the door and she walked in. So I was going to look after this person, this person who I truly loved. And who I hoped loved me back.

Then her eyes opened.

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