Chapter Forty-one

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A/N~ Sorry for the lack of updates! :( and with Christmas coming up it might be hard to write, but don't worry I am not abandoning this story!

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A/N~ Sorry for the lack of updates! :( and with Christmas coming up it might be hard to write, but don't worry I am not abandoning this story!

Miss Peregrine glared when she saw I wasn't wearing the gauntlets. But of course she wouldn't call me out on it when Jacob was present. She gave me a stern look, then turned and smiled to Jake.

"Now you all have fun, be careful, and make sure to be back for lunch." Emma nodded, and Jake curled the corners of his mouth gently.

Enoch was wearing the T-shirt I'd gotten for him in Belfast, and it made me smile. Emma, Jake, Enoch, Olive, and I began our walk to the beach. The others were being taught lessons by the headmistress, Millard and Hugh were barred from coming after they nearly sent their football through the parlor window.

Breathing in the fresh morning air allowed me to let go of some tension. The golden sunlight never seemed to get old. Jacob had drifted back from Emma slightly, and walked quietly next to me.

"So, um, Eden right?" His stuttering American voice caught my attention. I glanced up to acknowledge him, nodding as an answer to his query. He cleared his throat before speaking again.

"I was just wondering, uh, what your peculiarity was." Jake's arms hung stiffly by his sides, not helping his awkwardness.

I twitched my fingers out of habit. I looked up to answer him, there was no harm in him knowing after all. Before any sound left my lips, somebody decided to push through the middle of my and Jake. Enoch nearly sent Jake flying into the ground, but he regained his balance.

"Oops, better watch yourself there Jake." Were his only words of apology. I shot Enoch a glare so he would understand he was very much in the wrong.

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he walked. "What? You shouldn't even be out of bed anyway." He muttered, only irritating me more. We finally reached the beach, and Enoch went to sit in the shade, pulling a small homunculus out of his pocket to work on. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

When the others were done scoffing at his antisocial behavior, they all started having fun wading in the low tide. Jealous wasn't a strong enough word to describe how envious I was.

I had removed my boots, dangling them in my left hand, and had taken to slowly wandering across the sand. I could hear Emma and Jacob laughing in the distance. It made me wish Enoch and I weren't a secret.

I raised my head to look at the blue horizon. Taking one last glance at Enoch, I decided not to be a coward anymore. Dropping my boots in the sand, I gently walked towards the water. Olive had noticed, but didn't intervene, just stood very still where she was.

Without hesitating, I stepped into the gently moving water. It didn't move away, it didn't move at all, and my mind leapt for joy. I let a foamy white wave wash over my skin, and smiled the widest in had in a long time. I broke into a faster walk, getting to about knee depth. Emma and Jake had seen me at this point, of course Jake didn't know what the fuss was about.

I looked over my shoulder at Enoch, who was standing. I could feel even from a distance, that his face was etched with concern. I, however, was ecstatic. So happy, that I wanted to dance.

So using both hands, I gestured upwards, and a the water in front of me rose slightly. One step followed another, and soon I was a good few feet up in the air. The water supported my weight, allowing me to stand on it as if it were solid. I turned back in utter joy to see Jake, Emma, Enoch and Olive staring at me. Jacob was smiling in total disbelief, and Olive was beaming. Enoch's small smirk kept growing the more I spun and twirled with happiness.

Without thinking twice, I lowered the water and returned to the normal sea level. Beckoning for the others to join me. I was elated, this was amazing. Olive was first to come towards me, followed by Jake, then Emma slightly reluctantly made her way into the water. Enoch hesitated, even when I gave him my fullest smile, he never set foot in the water.

I brushed it off as typical, not going to let go of this joyous feeling. Emma, even with her lead shoes, was having great fun by blasting air at the water, sending sprays towards Olive. I laughed at the red-heads shrieks, then with a flick of my index finger, sent a much bigger splash towards the blonde. Jake could hardly stand straight with his hysterical laughter.

The thin pale boy then obtained a suddenly devious look. When I turned my back, he attempted to completely drench me in sea water. However, I could sense exactly where the liquid was coming from in my mind's eye. Turning with my hand outstretched, all the droplets of water paused to join a small swirling sphere above my hand. I giggled as if I was a six year old again. By slowly clenching my hand into a fist, the sphere burst into a firework of water.

Oh how I missed being happy.

Jake was gushing over how 'cool' my peculiarity was, and for once I felt proud of it. I could do something that no one else could.

I was Eden Moore, and I could control the water. 

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