Chapter Forty-four

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Water spun and twirled like ribbons in the breeze, the waves circled at my feet

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Water spun and twirled like ribbons in the breeze, the waves circled at my feet. With each step I took the sea foam lifted me higher. I felt every inch of it, every drop. It ran through my veins. With a twirl and a flick of each wrist, bursts of salty mist exploded like fireworks in time to the music. I leapt higher than I ever knew possible. Surrounding my self in the swirling liquid, I felt the safest I've ever been. My vision was sharp and I moved as if my very being made of only seawater. My dampened curls had a motion of their own, and as I grazed my bare foot across the foamy surface, I felt powerful. Armies of waves and currents at my command.

I almost failed to notice the ending of the music, as my ears were filled with whispers of the sea. I slowly withdrew myself, and ended my performance gently. The levitating droplets of water slowly rejoined the masses, and all was still. The sound of Olive chirping with excitement was first to break the silence.

"Oh my bird, Eden! That was simply astonishing!" Her grin stretched wide across her pale features. I felt faint with pure joy, but managed to keep myself on my feet.

"I... I did it." I murmured, trying to register it in my thought. "Olive I did it!"

The ecstatic redhead spun y around in a hug on the wet sand. I laughed and rejoiced in the victory I'd been craving for months.

"They'll be mad not to let you stay, that was perfect!" Olive said positively, and for once I let myself believe her.


I knocked on Enoch's bedroom door, my heart was on fire, but in a good way. My hair smelled of salt and sand but I didn't care, and I beamed at him when he answered the door.

"I did it Enoch." I said excitedly after stepping inside. "I really did it."

His big lips parted to reveal my favorite smile, and he lunged at me to wrap me in a tight hug. I squealed when he spun me off my feet and happiness bubbled inside me.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew you'd do it." He chanted joyfully. As he set me down, he looked the happiest I've seen him in a while.

"You're going to stay here."

"I have a chance."

I smiled at him, every inch of his face smiling back at me. He gently pressed me against him for one more hug, I could feel his warm breath on my jaw, just under my ear. Then I heard him whisper something so softly and genuine, it made me want to spend every ounce of strength I had left in me on winning my battles.

"I love you."


"Dinner time Eden!"

I jumped from my bed, gesturing for the sparkling droplets of tap water to return to their glass. Looking myself over in the mirror of my bedroom, I adjusted the ornate pin holding back my raven curls. Then left the room, with a smile plastered on my cheeks.

I passed Claire in the hallway, then grabbed her hand and we giggled and skipped down the the dining room together.

I gave Jacob a friendly nod when I noticed him seated at the table, he'd been visiting Emma everyday now. I briefly pondered how his parents let him disappear for that amount of time.

Everyone looked at me sit down. I thought there was something on my face, but then I remembered that it was a smile. It had been a long time since they'd seen me with a real one.

The usual chatter started and Enoch held my hand under the table as he always did. Emma and Jacob were deep in conversation, the foreign boys bright eyes locked on her face.

"Fiona dear, would you mind pouring us some drinks?" The headmistress' voice cutting through our own.

Fiona accompanied her nod with a polite "Yes Miss Peregrine."

Before she reached over to grab the first of the three jugs of water that were on the table, I interrupted, prompting her to pause.

"Don't worry Fiona, I'll get it."

Enoch gently tightened his grip on my hand, and all the talk in the room had ceased. Without leaving my seat, I moved my fingers gently. Feeling the invisible connections to the water through my hands, I conducted it with my fingertips.

Every last bit of liquid rose from each of the jars in spheres, then I precisely divided them out. Sending spiraling streams to everyone's glass, filling them just enough. Finally, I filled my own glass and took a sip, looking at everyone's flabbergasted stares over the rim of my cup.

Bronwyn suddenly stuck her hands up in the air and rejoiced in a shrill tone. "Yay! That was great!"

The whole table suddenly broke into a pure silly laughter, all except Miss Peregrine. Her soft, approving smile met mine, and the kind glint in her eyes made me feel accomplished.

Jake had to leave after dinner, muttering about how his father would murder him. Before leaving, he nodded at me and said quietly. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I surprised myself by not being intimidated or anxious that he was going to be watching me. I felt victorious already, and nothing would take that away from me just yet.


I held my warm mug with two hands as we all gathered around the white screen. Horace had announced that he had a short dream to share, so we all got comfortable.

With a click of his eyepiece, and a nod from Miss P, he lit up the screen. At first there was no visuals, just the sound of grouped laughter. Excited hustling and bustling, of a crowd maybe.

Then something recognizable appeared on screen, it was a distorted image full of moving colors. Hard to watch yet hard to look away. Then there was a sudden applause so loud that the little kids jumped from fright.

Then everything stopped, the screen went black but there was still a woman's voice speaking, except it was gibberish. Finally, the sound of a female whimper echoed. It was quick, but just about audible.

It was a strange on indeed, but Horace shrugged it off and so did the rest of us.

The reset went as usual, perfectly timed. I slipped on my pajamas, making sure my alarm clock was set for early tomorrow morning. My warm bed abolished any last feeling of worry in the pit of my stomach. I breathed deeply, and turned my head to look at the picture of Samuel and I.

I was a young child in the photo, diving into a bowl piled high with ice cream, while a younger looking Samuel sat back and laughed. I smiled for the first time upon looking at that photo.

If I wasn't doing this for Miss Peregrine, Enoch, or my Grandmother, I was doing it for him. And I was determined to win.

A/N~ Art in the photo is not mine :), I hope nobody minds that the timeline of events will be slightly changed from in the actual books, after all this is a different story. enjoy the update! xx

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