Chapter Nineteen

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"So I guess you know what your peculiarity is now. Thanks for almost killing me by the way." Enoch said, as I leaned on the other side of the door to listen. The sarcasm in his voice seemed forced, which was extremely odd coming from him.

I stayed silent, listening to his voice.

"She'll will let you out, she's just paranoid."

Again, I didn't say a word. I really wanted to believe the headmistress was just paranoid, but it was difficult.

Then there was a sound beside me, a book had been slid under the door. Anne of Green Gables. I smiled, hearing him get up and leave.

Enoch's P.O.V

As I walked back to my room, I could only think of one thing. How badly I wanted to see her smile again. As walked, Olive appeared and stopped me on the stairs.

"Is she ok? Did she talk to you?" She asked forcefully, obviously worried.

"Find out yourself." I retorted and pushed passed her. I heard her sigh behind be and continue up the stairs.

I was too angry to talk to anyone but Eden. I guessed I was going to be angry for a while.

Plonking myself down at my desk, I began fiddling with my latest homunculus. While screwing in a bolt, my mind wandered to the event yesterday. Water, that was her peculiarity. It fit her, she had a fluid, calm demeanour, which he liked about her. However she could change in an instant, almost become a different person. Sort of like how a slow river can suddenly drop into a plummeting waterfall.

What annoyed him the most,was the way the moment she had a slip up, everyone was afraid. The bird locks her, up and no one to go and ask if she's alright?

"And people say I'm inconsiderate..." I grumbled, thinking out loud.

I moved onto the next bolt, and began to twist it into place. There was so much we didn't know about that girl. I suddenly remembered something, her dancing. Part of the reason I was always there watching, was that I could tell when she needed to.

Her tapping foot, heavier breathing, pacing. She seemed to do it when she was stressed, or nervous maybe? I sighed out loud. Who knows what she was feeling. Now she couldn't get rid of those feelings, because Miss Peregrine locked her in her bloody room!

There was a snap of metal. The metal I was screwing the bolt into had broken in two. I threw it onto the desk in defeat. Standing up when I heard Emma call me for lunch.

Eden's P.O.V

Olive came to my door not long after Enoch did, we talked as if everything was normal. She had even heard whispers of someone coming to visit the loop, maybe a new peculiar.

Later, Millard came up to give me some lunch, the headmistress had given him the key. He quickly pushes the plate in then closed the door. We made small talk for the three minutes he was there, then I was alone once more.

The boredom was getting to me now, I lied on my bed, examining the ceiling. Contemplating what Miss Peregrine was going to do. I really wanted to prove to her I could control it, but I could hardly practice locked in my bedroom. The feeling was so strange, I felt like every ounce of blood in my body was swirling, surging. The wave stood there, towering over me, waiting for orders I didn't know how to give.

Without warning, Miss Peregrine stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I sat up and braced myself for some sort of bad news.

"I've come to apologise, I had no right to keep you in here." She said, with a note of genuine guilt in her voice.

I simply nodded in return. She sighed and sat down next to me on my bed.

"By the code of ymbrynes, I ought to have reported your incident to Miss Avocet."

She paused. I didn't know who the Avocet was, but I presumed she was a sort of head supervisor of the ymbrynes.

"However, I will let it go unnoticed if you let me help you."

Her proposal was valid, I didn't really want to be monitored by the head ymbryne after all. "And if I say yes, you'll let me out of here?" I questioned.

She gave another sigh and nodded. "But only for the reset, the children are still a bit on edge."

"Deal. One last question, water, that's my peculiarity?" I inquired.

She gave a small smile and replied; "Hydrokinesis in scientific terms. Quite a interesting gift."

I felt immediately better after I saw her smile. I felt like I was finally a normal peculiar. If that makes even the slightest bit of sense.

I smiled back and nodded. Whatever her 'helping' involved, it had to be better than uncontrollable tidal waves and being locked in this room.

Out of no where, Miss Peregrine leaned over and hugged me. I was surprised to say the least, I could barely remember my last hug. She was warm and smelt faintly of feathers. She leaned back, her long nailed hands resting on my shoulders.

"Adeline would be proud of you my dear." She smiled. "I'll see you at the reset, then in my room at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

My mouth fell open slightly at the last part, but I held in my objections. I was feeling less sick, and hopeful I could fix my 'issue' of sorts, so I didn't want to ruin my chances.

The headmistress gave me one more parting smile and left the room. I fell back on my bed, a small smile dancing on my lips.

Things were turning around, and I was determined keep it that way. 

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