Chapter Twenty-eight

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A/N~ Can you spot Eden in the photo? 😂 Hope you enjoy the chapter! x

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A/N~ Can you spot Eden in the photo? 😂 Hope you enjoy the chapter! x



"I need a favour."

She sighed heavily "I'm going to regret this, but what kind of favour?"

I had located Olive boiling the kettle for Miss Peregrine, so I had pulled her aside into the parlour.

"I want to try something, but I need you to come with me, down to the beach." I asked, rushing the last part, in hopes she wouldn't hear it fully.

"No way, not happening." She shook her head vigorously. "I'm not going to watch, while you attempt some silly stunt and nearly drown, again."

"Please Olive. I think I've cracked it, and if can control myself there, I can control it anywhere. Please."

"I just- what if it goes wrong?"

"This time, I have a backup plan. C'mon Olive, I'd do it for you. You don't want me to be sent away, do you?" I didn't want to guilt her into helping me, but if it was the only means of getting her to agree, so be it.

Olive let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but if I get into trouble, it'll be the last favour I'll be doing for you."

"Thank you, oh- and I'll also need to borrow a bathing suit."


I discarded my dress, leaving me in Olive's white and navy swimsuit. We were standing on the wet sand of the beach, Olive had told Miss Peregrine we were going out for a brisk stroll. The headmistress had only allowed it, because Olive agreed not let me out of her sight. Removing my boots, and tying up my hair, I turned to back to my friend.

"Now hand me the end of the rope." She did so, and I began wrapping it tightly around my waist.

"I still have a bad feeling about this." I heard her mutter.

"Trust me, this will work, it might even solve my problem." I reassured her, and myself. "So, if I tug on my end or look like I'm in trouble, you pull me back in. Alright?"

She nodded, pursing her lips together. I nodded in return, then turned toward the waves. I walked towards the water, trying to fake some sort confidence, for my own sake. It'll be fine, it's just a- big puddle. No problems here.

Too busy trying to console myself, I had just now looked down to see that it was no longer sand under my feet. I was standing on the water, it felt like walking on a cold pane of glass. Just keep going, just keep going. This was my mantra, as I continued to walk over the dark navy sea. It was the strangest sensation, my mind felt like it should be sinking, but my body was just fine.

That Peculiar Feeling | Mphfpc ~Enoch O'Connor~Where stories live. Discover now