Chapter Forty-seven

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My heart pounded, ringing in my ears and through my head

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My heart pounded, ringing in my ears and through my head.

"We have come to a decision."

Miss Avocet paused, stiffening her shoulders slightly. My eyes wandered to Miss Peregrine, yet her eyes never raised to meet mine.

"After hearing the full extent of unfavorable events that have occurred due to your peculiarity from Miss Peregrine, it has lead me to believe you may receive more reliable, full-time help from Miss Magpie. A boat has been arranged to escort you there tomorrow morning, it will be a big change of course, but I'm certain it is the best decision."

The lump in my throat turned into a throttling grip and every part of me felt like it was sinking into the floor.

Miss Peregrine told her. She said she'd give me the best possible chance, but all she did was give away the slim one I had.

All the work and sleepless nights, all the promising to myself that I'd get better. All of it pointless.

"I was impressed with your performance nonetheless, but it is safest for the other children residing in this house that you go." With a final stern nod, Miss Avocet left me and Miss Peregrine alone.

None of it felt real, until the first hot tear rolled down my cheek. I projected all my anger and confusion into a glare towards Miss Peregrine.

"You told her. Why did you tell her?" I half sobbed, half shouted. "Did you want me gone all this time?"

"Eden you know I didn't want this. But I cannot go against what Miss Avocet seems safest. I-"

"Did you even try? I was happy here! But you ruined it!" I was in a state of blind, furious, scared, confusion. But the seething hate I felt for the woman I once admired was deafening. Miss Peregrine was silent.

"I hate you." I spat out the words like acid on my tongue. She'd ripped away every hope I'd had, everything that kept me going, and I was going to make sure she knew how it ruined me.


I found Enoch sitting where I'd left him, and he stood up immediately.

"So? What's the news?"

My hair had fallen over the majority of my face, and I couldn't summon my voice to reply.


He questioned again. Finally raising my gaze from the floor to meet his. His expression dropped when he saw mine.

Before anything could be said, an uncontrolled sob escaped my lips, eyes flooding once more. Suddenly the weight of my own sadness became too much, my knees buckled.

Enoch sank to the floor with, trying his best to cradle my shaking frame in his own trembling arms.

"No. No. No." I heard him mutter into my hair. His grip was tight, but not enough to mask his own weakness. I felt his own eyes leaving droplets on my bare shoulders.

I don't know how long I sat there, all strength gone from my body and tears pouring out with seemingly no end. Even Enoch's embrace wasn't numbing the pain.

I stood up, knees wobbling. Enoch did too, but his stance was a lot more rigid and seething anger practically radiated out of him.

"I- I'm leaving tomorrow." I finally mumbled, the words sending shivers of sadness through my chest.

"No you're not." Enoch spat, and without looking back at me, he stormed out of the hall. I would've stopped him, but the devastation had made me feel numb, and my conscience no longer felt like my own.


Enoch's P.O.V

"What is wrong with you?" My voice was loud but not as loud as the anger bubbling in my head. "Where is Miss Avocet?"

"Enoch you have to understand, I know you and Eden-" The bird began to argue, her voice seemed calm but desperate for mercy.

"Shut up! Home for Unstable Peculiars? She's not unstable!" In all of ,y one hundred and twelve years, I'd never seen Miss Peregrine with a face of such defeat. After she didn't answer, I decided to speak.

"You said something didn't you? You sent her away. Get Miss Avocet to change her mind."

The headmistress pursed her lips, eyes glazing over slightly.

"What's done is done Enoch. I'm sorry."

With that, she walked out of the parlor, leaving me alone with my despair. I'd never felt so betrayed by someone I'd looked up to. She'd ruined my life.

I couldn't watch her leave, and I wasn't going to. 

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