Chapter Twenty-six

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I was awake

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I was awake. Wasn't I? I'm warm, too warm. A whispered groan left my throat. I opened my eyes to see the ceiling, I was inside. Laying on my back, I waited for my vision to clear itself. I was laying on the sofa in the parlour, covered with a wool blanket, and dressed in a crisp white nightgown that didn't belong to me. I wasn't alone either.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Enoch sitting in the armchair next to the sofa. Enoch. He was sitting, resting his forearms on his knees, and twiddling his thumbs. He hadn't noticed me awakening, although I hadn't moved a muscle yet. I decided to sit up, my head throbbed as pushed my self upright. I groaned again, coughing to clear my heavy lungs.

Enoch stood up so fast, I barely saw him move. I tried to swing my legs over to stand, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Don't." He said firmly. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, but no, I don't know..." I croaked, my voice hoarse. The strange salty taste on my lips triggering my memory. I was going to Miss Magpie for sure. The strangest thing was, I didn't regret it. If anything, I wanted to go out there again.

Enoch slowly and gently pushed me back down, so I was lying on my back once more. He pulled a pouf towards the sofa and sat on it, arms crossed. A serious expression crossed his face.

"So what the hell was that about? I thought you'd drowned." His voice was strong and harsh. I didn't reply, just glanced at him, then let my eyes go out of focus.

"Did you really not know who we were?"

I held my eyes closed for a long second, then opened them to respond in a throaty whisper. "I don't know."

"Yeah, well you seem to not know a lot of things at the moment." He muttered, almost growling.

"Did Miss Peregrine ask you to come look for me?" I coughed heavily after I said it, causing him to shift in his seat.

"No. Why?" He answered, his expression changing to a more confused one.

"T-then why did you?" I was finding it more and more difficult talk without coughing. My lungs felt like lead balloons.

"Because I- " He sighed, like he decided against saying something. "Because I know how stupid you can be."

There was a minute of silence, then I cleared my throat to speak.

"Enoch?" I croaked.


"What happened to me back on the beach?"

Enoch seemed uncomfortable with that question, but I wanted an answer anyway. I would much rather him tell me, than Miss Peregrine.

"The bird said- " He paused. "Miss Peregrine said that your peculiarity took over your head for a bit. You couldn't think straight."

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