Chapter Thirty-six

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"Jacob Portman's here!" I heard Claire's jingling voice shout excitedly from upstairs

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"Jacob Portman's here!" I heard Claire's jingling voice shout excitedly from upstairs. I hurriedly stood up from my perch on the armchair. I smoothed down my shirt and shorts, which was a struggle with the metal gauntlets encasing my hands. Then shooting Enoch a smile, I took a step towards the basement door. I stopped before leaving to question him.

"Aren't you coming?" I saw him shake his head and roll his eyes grumpily, then he turned in his chair to face the back wall, beginning to fiddle with a jar. I took this as a definite no, then left. I was tingling slightly from excitement, I had no idea why though. I never met his grandfather, but I suppose the idea of a fresh start with this Jacob was enticing.

Jacob's P.O.V

I was here. They were here. They were here. My mind started hyperventilating when I saw the house, intact. The dull weather has been replaced with beaming sunshine. Next to me was standing Emma Bloom, lead shoes and all, just like I

in the photographs. Just as beautiful too.

When Miss Peregrine opened the front door, it finally occurred to me that I wasn't having some strange metaphoric dream. She was just how I pictured her, dark hair, sharp eyes, and a manner of extreme authority. She welcomed us in, the invisible boy removed his cap and hung it on one of the coat hooks.

"Alma Lefay Peregrine." She said, outstretching a hand. Despite her intimidating appearance, her voice was kind and friendly. "However I'm sure you may already know that." She smiled.

I nodded awkwardly, unsure of how to act in front of all these people, who I thought were long dead. A girl with blazing red hair and shiny black gloves covering her hands, entered into the room. She gave me a warm smile before turning to Miss Peregrine.

"Olive dear, would you mind boiling the kettle? I would like to talk to Mr. Portman over tea." Olive nodded at this request, and spun on her heels to walk into another room. Emma kept glancing over at me, and I was having trouble deciding who to look at.

At that moment, another girl appeared, from a staircase that I presumed led to a basement. Her hair was shiny black, and hung down to the middle of her back in unruly waves. Her skin was pale, but a reddish tint circled her large blue eyes. Her features reminded me of a porcelain doll, that my father begged my mother to throw away. She was quite pretty in that way. A wool cardigan covered most of her small and slim frame. However, my vision was drawn to her dark metal hand-guards, that she was trying to conceal by keeping them hung low by her sides.

Miss Peregrine and the newly arrived girl exchanged a glance, the the headmistress spoke. "I'm sure you and Eden here will have much in common, she arrived here from your time. I'll be in the kitchen when you've exchanged pleasantries." Finishing her point, Miss Peregrine strutted off into the same room Olive had retreated to.

Eden smiled quickly, eyes darting around to anywhere but my own.

"I paid for your stuff in the shop didn't I?" I asked quietly, suddenly remembering why her face stuck out to me. She nodded.

"Thanks again for that." She smiled again, this one seemed a little more real. "So has anything major changed in the present since I've been gone?" She asked when there was an abnormally long pause.

"No flying cars yet." This is what I did in situations like these, I made bad jokes. She actually laughed, but maybe it was just to be polite. I looked back at Emma, who was staring into space, she quickly corrected herself.

"I should, er-" I fumbled, gesturing to the kitchen. The two girls nodded. Before my hand even contacted the door handle, it opened, revealing the headmistress holding two cups of tea.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd prefer we confer in my office." She said, a warm grin spread across her lips. Without giving me time to reply, she pushed a hot cup into my hands, and began leading me away. I gave Emma one last smile before we rounded the corner.

Eden's P.O.V

When Jacob left, I sighed out the breath I'd been following. I parted from Emma, and joined Olive in the kitchen. She was slipping back on her gloves after boiling the kettle. Smiling, she set down two extra cups of the warm beverage she had made for the two of us. I sat down opposite her, realizing with a sinking feeling that I couldn't hold my cup with my restrictions. She noticed of course, so began talking quickly.

"He's nice isn't he? A lot like his grandfather."

I nodded, humming in agreement. "I wonder what his peculiarity is."

"Maybe he'll stay for dinner and tell us." Olive smiled. "He's rather handsome if I say so myself." She broke into a snicker after saying this.

"Come on Olive, really? You've known him five minutes." I scolded, but she only giggled harder at my words. I ended up chuckling with her, then went to reach for my cup, but the weight on my hands stopped me again.

"I better go and see if I can get Enoch to stop sulking." I said after finishing my laughter. Olive rolled her eyes jokingly and nodded. "Good luck." She wished before I left.

I walked out of the kitchen, and started towards the basement stairs. Emma was strangely crouched with her ear to the keyhole of Miss Peregrine's room. I decided not to question her. All of a sudden, the door flung open, making the eavesdropping Emma jump back. I notice her face is redder, and eyes shiny. She leaped to her feet and ran the opposite direction, as fast as her shoes would let her. I gulped when my eyes met a rather stern looking Miss Peregrine. Her head whipped back to address a rather shaken looking Jacob.

"Miss Bloom and your grandfather were paramours, admirers, sweethearts." I heard her mutter to him, Jacob nodded awkwardly. Millard stepped into the room, holding a pile of clothes.

"Ah, thank you Millard. Since you decided to stay for supper, you should get cleaned up. Eden will kindly show you to the bathroom." She smiled and nodded at me. I took the clothes from Millard, upon closer inspection, realizing they belonged to Victor.

I balanced the pile on top of my gauntlets, and headed up the stairs, occasionally checking to see Jacob at my heels. We walked down the hall, and upon reaching the bathroom, I turned and pushed the pile into his hands.

"These are Victor's, but he doesn't need them anymore." I wasn't sure why I told him this, but I did. "Bath's in there." I gave him a small smile, and walked away, perhaps to quickly.

This Jacob boy seemed trustworthy, but all my mind could ponder was what Enoch would think of him. If he ever came out of his room to meet him that is.

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