Chapter Thirty-seven

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I'd gone to find Emma and attempt to comfort her, which I've discovered I'm not very good at

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I'd gone to find Emma and attempt to comfort her, which I've discovered I'm not very good at. In between tears, she told me that Abe was dead. My heart sank for her, she didn't deserve it. Once she said she wanted to wash up for dinner, I left her. My eyes traced onto the calendar in the hall, less than five days to go before my deadline. It sent a little wave of panic through me every time I thought about it.

I hurried down the basement stairs to meet Enoch scrutinizing another homunculi. "Jacob's staying for dinner." I stated, trying to keep my voice free of emotions, as I wasn't sure what he would reply with.

He grunted, threw his tools on the desk and stood up. I was using his mirror to try and tame some of the wild curly strands that were poking out in every direction. "He's nice you know." I said quietly when I felt him standing behind me.

Spinning around, I gave Enoch a small smile, however he didn't return it. I felt like I needed to adjust the hem of his jumper, I just didn't have free hands to do it. "Just be nice ok?"

Enoch didn't answer, but reached down and grabbed my two cold metal hand guards, lifting them up to examine them. I'd explained their reasoning to him earlier, when he threatened to go and confront Miss Peregrine.

"Children!" A shrill voice called, signaling that dinner was ready. I gestured for him to come with me. He wiped his hands on his trousers and walked out with me. He walked extremely close, to the point where his shoulder was brushing my own.

Everyone sat down at the dining table, Jacob had yet to make an appearance. Miss Peregrine beckoned me over, a silver key held between her fingers. She took each gauntlet and slotted in the key, turning it once to the right. My fingertips tingled when blood rushes through them, wrists aching from the relieved weight. Without saying a word, the headmistress gave me a stern look that told me to not try anything, keep 'it' under control.

I turned to sit back in my seat next to Enoch, suddenly very aware of the amount of filled glasses there were on the table. Just as I took my seat, Jacob walked in, clean, and dressed in Victors clothes. All of the children turned in their chairs to look at him. I gestured with my now freed hand to the empty seat to the left of me, but he had already chosen to sit next to Emma. Millard shouted out, seeing that Jacob had just tried to sit on him.

"Millard, put some clothes on!" Hissed Emma, the boy groaned in return. "It's hot in 'ere!"

"Millard, polite persons do not take their supper in the nude." Miss Peregrine added, the group chuckled. "Off you go, good boy."

Of course Millard didn't want to go against the bird, so he left begrudgingly to change. Jacob promptly took his seat.

My hands returned to my lap, tightly holding each other. I smiled at Jacob across the table, he returned it.

"Now children," Continued Miss Peregrine, standing up at the head of the table. "This is Abraham's grandson, Jacob. He is our honored guest and has come a very long way to be here. I hope you will treat him accordingly."

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