Chapter 11

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Zali watched her teacher's movements before taking a step forward and copying the motion. The flame jumped from her hand and smashed against the target on the wall.

"Well done Zali." Her teacher called. "You've improved so much in such a short time."

"Thank you. I've been working with my familiar." Zali nodded.

"I heard your mother gave you a demon for a pet." A student smiled.

"I heard she got it by stealing the demon summoning manual."

"No offence to you, but she's the best teacher I've ever had." Zali added.

The teacher laughed. "After your display today I'm inclined to believe you."

Zali noticed the proud feeling in her chest that she was sure was Izzy.

"Alright. Enough praising. Try again Zali. With lightning." The teacher ordered.

Zali aimed and fired a bolt of lightning from her fingers, which blew the target to pieces.

"Stupendous!" The teacher exclaimed. "I absolutely must meet this teacher of yours!"


"Nay. Tell him I'm a demon, and can only be summoned at your Mother's circle. Unless there's an emergency." Izzy told her master.

"I can't summon her. She's a demon, and is bound to a summoning circle unless I really want to call her. She's a teacher at the Wizard's Tower though..." Zali explained.

"At the Wizard's Tower?" The teacher asked.

"Don't those demons respect humans?" A student asked.

"They're the protectors of Exodious! They work with the Hunter's Guild."

"I can understand the concern Zali. May I create a seal of my own to prevent her from spell casting?" The teacher asked.

"Since I'm technically in your body the seal would not affect me. Unless you would prefer I leave for the moment?" Izzy asked.

"What if he's going to trick me into revealing you?! Then he'd know I was hiding you!"

"Trust must be earned. Plus, you underestimate me."

Zali sighed. "Okay. But if my mother gets upset it's on you." She threatened. "Isirona, I have need of you."

Zali was unsure how the Succubus did it, but she created a summoning circle in front of her teacher which she seemed to rise up from before bowing towards her mistress.

She was wearing long, brown trousers with buckles on her shins, and deerskin boots. She wore a white blouse with frills decorated with golden edges. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail which had a gold rod through the band. Golden bracelets ran up both her forearms, and her collar was a gold band decorated in many gemstones.

Her eyes glowed violet, and purple lines seemed to dance across her skin like living tattoos.

Her fist moved to her chest to salute to her mistress. "You called for me?" Izzy asked, not raising her head.

The teacher summoned magic in his hands and a white circle appeared around Isirona's feet. She stood up straight and looked from the man to Zali. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

"It's just a precaution." The teacher answered. "We don't know the type of demon you are."

"Ah. Am I being used for show and tell my mistress?" Izzy questioned, looking back to Zali with a playful grin.

"No. He wanted to meet you because your teachings have put me ahead." Zali explained, getting Izzy to nod before glancing at all the students looking at her in wonder.

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