Chapter 25

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Zali stepped out of the portal and into her bedroom, holding her shirt and blazer in one hand, and her bag in the other. Just as she was about to pull the shirt over her head, her brother opened the door and sighed.

"What!?" Zali asked, pulling her shirt on and correcting it.

"I'm amazed that your grades for all of your classes are so high." He confessed.

"This doesn't happen as often as you think." Zali shrugged. "What did you need?"

"Isirona's help with a spell... am I ever going to get to go in the pocket dimension?"

Zali motioned to the portal that was still opened behind her before sitting at her desk and going through her bag.

Marcus moved towards the portal but then paused. "Is she still naked?"


He paused as if contemplating whether or not to go in. "Can you tell her to get dressed?"

Zali sighed. "Just go in and cover your eyes while yelling. That's what I always do."

Marcus shrugged and covered his eyes before stepping into the portal.

"Isirona!?" Marcus called. "Are you decent?!"

"Marcus?" Isirona asked. "Give me a second." He heard shuffling off to his right somewhere. "What can I help you with?"

"I need help with a spell. There was an attack at one of the Guild's stations, and we need help identifying the spell that was used to hypnotize all of the people there. Since you're an expert with illusion magic I figured you would be the best choice."

"I see. I'm dressed." She smiled as Marcus lowered his hand cautiously before returning the smile. Isirona was now wearing a long pink shirt and purple shorts. "Was it a demon that attacked the guild?"

"From the crime scene it looks more like a human, but we've never seen a spell capable of knocking out an entire building like that before." Marcus explained, handing Isirona the file.

Isirona sat on her bare bed, as the covers had been removed completely. She flipped through the folder stopping at a few pictures and reading through the descriptions.

"I've seen this before somewhere, but I can't quite remember where." She noted. The camera used captures the spell incantations and weaves, to assist in identifying the spells that were casted. Isirona ran her finger over one of the blue weaves, studying the symbols.

Isirona held up her hand, not looking away from the file and a small blue portal opened above her hand before a book fell through which she placed over the file and flipped through before pointing to a spell weave that matched the one in the pictures. "That's an old one."

"Who could have learned such a spell?"

"Anyone at the Wizard's Tower, which I retrieved this book from." Isirona confessed. "But also anyone who studied illusion. This is a difficult one to master, but some of these weaves look amature. Even still, it was used very effectively. It's an Area of Effect hypnosis spell. They would have had to craft the circle around the entire building before casting the command used to activate it. Someone who walks around the building often could be a culprit."

"I'll have them go through camera feeds of anyone moving around the building."

"The spell could also be casted over time. Someone who showed up everyday but in a different spot." Isirona added. "But be very careful, this person is a master of Illusionary magic. They know things that they shouldn't. What did they do to the hypnotized people?"

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