Chapter 66

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Zali was laying on the couch watching TV when Isirona returned from her Council duties. The succubus wasted no time practically collapsing on top of her lover and pulling her into a tight hug.

Zali smiled softly, wrapping her arms around her as Isirona let out a deep sigh and slipped her arms just under the mage's shirt so she was touching skin.

"Was it that bad?" Zali asked.

"It's stressful." Isirona answered. "Only a few students actually chose to leave, and everything else seems to be going smoothly. With more voices on the council and powerful protectors here there shouldn't be much more to worry about. But now there's an air of chaos about, and everyone is worried something will go wrong."

"Is Desdemona really okay? She looked fine earlier but someone actually tried to kill her?" Zali asked.

"She was stabbed in the shoulder and nearly lost her arm." Isirona explained.

"Who attacked her?"

"From my understanding it was a young cleric. He was trained in the healing arts by angels and it may have left an impression on him. However, it was two angels who actually helped her. They were apparently friends with the young man and were worried he would do something drastic."

"Is there a way you can take my mana quickly without having sex with me?" Zali asked. "You look exhausted but so am I."

Isirona chuckled softly. "You wish to help me but you don't have the energy?"

"Of course I want to help. I always do."

"Very well." Isirona raised her head and smiled softly at Zali. "You will feel very light headed for a few seconds. Ready?"

"Uh... I guess?"

The succubus leaned in and pressed her lips to Zali's. For a moment Zali felt nothing unusual, until she suddenly felt completely drained. Isirona leaned back an inch or two, and a purple stream of energy snaked from Zali's mouth into Isirona's before the succubus connected their lips again.

When they parted a second time, Zali's head leaned back and she blinked a few times like she was trying to shake the tiredness out of herself. "What did you do to me?" The mage asked.

"Succubi can take energy by force if necessary. It snaps us out of our instincts as it renews our energy. But it's considered sloppy feeding, as it drains our partners much more."

"How long is it going to last?"

"The dizziness will pass in a few moments. Your exahustion will not go away until you sleep it off." Isirona explained.

"But I wanted to keep talking to you." Zali grumbled.

"You can my love. You'll just be tired." Isirona chuckled.

Zali waited out her dizziness before blinking a few more times. She sighed deeply, but continued to speak. "So Kai's mom is going to be here?"

"I don't think she will be here for very long, but making her a Guidance Counciler is an incredibly good idea. Just by being in her presence all of your discomfort and negativity will be stripped away. Her voice also causes you to want to tell the truth, so if someone is going to be a problem they will likely reveal that to her."

"Can't she sense emotions too? Like Kai?"

"That's correct. There is no one else that could fulfill that position like Akeno can."

"But what if having her around upsets Kai?"

"Akeno doesn't like the idea of forcing herself on Kai. She may visit her from time to time, but she will never become overbearing to her."

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