Chapter 45

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Zali yawned from where she was, leaned up against Isirona's side as the succubus was doing her paperwork on the couch. She was snuggled into the demon's side reading her book, and handing her papers when she asked. The TV playing as white noise in the background.

Isirona paused, thinking Zali was touching her leg. But when she glanced down she found Zali's hand no where to be seen, though she could certainly feel it.

She looked over at Zali and found her drawing circles on her own leg as she read her book, biting her lip as she did.

Isirona smirked. "Zali?"

"Hmm?" Zali answered, not entirely paying attention.

"Are you enjoying your book?" Isirona questioned, reaching over as if to take it, only for Zali to move it out of her reach.

"I'm at a good part Izzy, don't fuck with me." Zali warned.

"My dearest Zali, was that a threat?" Isirona raised a threatening eyebrow at the young mage.

"Izzy. Please don't do this now." Zali whined, closing her book but leaving her thumb in the pages as a bookmark. She turned her head to look up at the succubus with pleading eyes. The succbus chuckled, so the mage continued. "You of all people should know what it's like to get interrupted at the best part."

"That is true." Isirona laughed and retracted her hand. "Continue then, but go easy with the touching." She tapped her own leg. "I can feel it too."

"I know, I know. Sorry." Zali sighed before getting comfortable again and reopening her book. Izzy tried to go back to her work, but her nature made it very difficult. She was attuned to the mage's body, and that mage was in the middle of a smutty romance novel. She could both feel, sense and smell her lover's arousal, and it just made it so much worse. She needed to pay attention to her work and get the paperwork done as soon as she could. The faster it was done, the more time she would have to spend with her lover. But with how things were going...

"How much more is left of your chapter." Isirona asked.

"Not much. Why?" Zali asked, once again not really paying attention. If she had, she would have noticed the succubi's almost whiney tone, like a child waiting for their parent to hurry up.

"Because you're making it very difficult to keep to myself." Isirona admitted.

"Okay. So I'm not allowed to read romance novels anymore." The mage noted, her eyes skimming quickly over the words on the pages.

"You can only read them when I don't have something I'm supposed to be doing. I can't even remember what it its I was doing." Isirona confessed. "So since you've acquired my attention so successfully, I'm going to have to demand yours."

Zali dog earred the page. "I guess I'll have to find out what happens next later then."

"I'm sure I can help with your imagination." The succubus teased.

"I know you will. Do you want to move to the bed then?" She asked.

"If you'd be so kind."

"Was your paperwork important?" Zali asked as she stood up, leaving her book on the coffee table as Isirona shut the TV off with the remote.

"It's likely that it was, but as I said, I can't focus on it since you've distracted me so well."

"That's not a good thing for a teacher." Zali noted, making her way towards the bedroom.

Isirona stood up and followed after her. "Of course. But I have you to blame for it." She admitted. "And as long as you don't read your novels when I have to be busy, it shouldn't happen again."

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