Chapter 54

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Isirona led them, not back towards the gym like Zali thought, but instead towards one of the rooms in the back. She shouldered a door opened, revealing what appeared to be a sort of glowing red ritual circle with two people standing on either side, and one person in the center of the circle. The room itself was partially damaged, with most of the furnature (which was just desks and a few shelves) were pushed against the walls to make room for the circle.

The one inside the circle was knelt down like she was in incredible pain and Zali reconized the girl as someone from one of her classes. She wasn't sure exactly what she was, but she was sure that she was a demon of some sort.

The other two people, a man and a woman had their arms outstretched towards the circle, but they seemed to falter a moment as Isirona and the other's burst into the room.

Isirona's hands opened towards the circle, and the red of the circle seemed to flicker as her magic sparked from her fingertips and into the circle itself. Some of the sigils on the inside began to change, and the magic started to turn a shade of purple like Isirona herself was taking command over the spell.

"Kai! The one on the right!" Zali shouted as she fired a beam of energy towards the woman on the left. The woman stepped back, breaking her concentration on the circle and crossed her arms in front of her like a shield to block the beam with a wall of her own magic.

Kai took one step forward, then slammed her other foot against the ground in front of herself and her flames gushed out like a tidal wave of white flame. The man shouted in fear and stumbled back, tripping over a table that had been knocked over behind him.

Kai's flames opened like a curtain as she stepped towards him, her hair and fur engulfed in the fire. "Yield." Kai ordered, her voice carried by the crackling inferno that licked the wooden desks and shelves in that corner of the room.

The man whimpered, but attempted to fire lightning at the fox deity, who simply caught the bolt in her hand effortlessly. The electricity crackled up her arm before aiming her hand back at the man and returning the bolt into his chest where he yelled out in pain and moved into a fetal position as the electricity sparked up his body. He finally relaxed, and stayed still on the ground.

When the first bolt of lightning was fired, Zali's eyes widened in fear as she turned towards Kai and the other mage. The other woman smirked and went to shoot her own bolt of lightning at the young mage, only for the blast to be caught by Sylvia in both her hands before the seemed to wrap the lightning between her hands before holding her arms out and clapping in front of herself sending a wave of thunder and lighting out in front of her, throwing the other mage off her feet where she slammed into the wall behind her before collapsing on a broken desk and lying still.

Sylvia then turned to Zali who was now staring at her in complete shock. "Are you alright Zali? You looked determinded a moment ago, but now you look like you're ready to run."

Zali's hand moved back to her chest where the crackling of magic felt far too close in her chest. "Lightning and I don't really get along." The mage explained.

"I heard, but that's how it is for most people." Sylvia tilted her head like she was confused before turning back to Isirona who looked like she was incredibly focused on changing the ritual circle's pattern. Most of the sigils had changed and the color was now a deep purple to match Isirona's magical energy.

"Speak to me, what have they done to you?" Isirona called as she continued attuning her spell.

"I-I don't know!" The woman confessed. "They were mad at me! They said I was a monster!"

"What were they doing to her?" Sylvia questioned.

"It was a broken cleansing ritual." Isirona explained, still trying to undo the magic. "Instead of attacking her mana pools, it was directly attacking her demonic energy."

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