Chapter 13

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Zali's energy had returned ten fold, and when she found out that Izzy was going to be teaching her defensive magic's class and her illusion class she was ecstatic.

She was on the inside anyway.

Marcus stood against the far wall, watching as the other students attempted to copy the succubi's stance as she casted her spells at the practice dummies.

"Louis." Izzy called moving over to the young man, holding her hand over his arm, careful not to touch him. "Your stance is fine but you don't seem to understand the spell. You're simply channeling magic in it's primal form, not changing it." She stepped back. "Feel the magic around you, and channel it through you."

Izzy looked over to Zali who made the practice dummy explode into splinters with her green magic. It crackled between her fingers, a perfect sphere of raw magic forming between her hands before firing it at another test dummy, shattering that one in the same way as the first.

"Well done Zali." Izzy smiled.

"Don't you live with her?" Someone barked.

"And that's relevant how?" Someone else asked.

"Isirona probably gives her extra lessons!"

Izzy laughed. "And who am I to decline? If someone wants to learn, they have every right to do so. She asks, and I help her, that's it. If you asked I would give you extra lessons as well." Izzy confessed. "But all lessons must take place at the school."

"Obviously." Marcus rolled his eyes. "Zali wouldn't want anyone to take her new best friend away."

"Marcus, I will light you on fire." Zali warned, getting a few giggles from the class. She didn't enjoy the fact that she was center of attention now that Isirona and her brother were with her, and it didn't stop when they were away.

When the succubus wasn't teaching her, other students would come up and ask her about either the demon or the spells being taught.

Zali leaned her head on her hand as she listened to her teacher drone on about math. Her favorite thing to watch was the student in the back of the classroom who did absolutely nothing to contribute, but always got straight A's. Even now she was leaned back with a hood over her head probably sleeping, but the teacher did nothing to wake her.

At the moment she wasn't good entertainment, but sometimes she would be casting small spells on her desk just to entertain herself while the class droned on. No such luck today.

Zali wondered how she could pull off good grades and sleep in class.

Zali's neighbor tapped her on the shoulder and handed her a note before going back to listening to the teacher.

Zali opened the note cautiously, hoping it wouldn't explode, and she was satisfied when it opened with a lack of flair.

Can you help me learn the spell Isirona taught today? I'm having a lot of trouble with it and I can't fail another class. I'll make it up to you, I promise!  If you will, just touch your ear, and I'll talk to you after class!

Zali sighed deeply, glancing around the room to try and find out who was watching her, but couldn't tell. She then groaned and touched her own ear, agreeing with the simple request.

Class went on as normal, and she honestly hoped that when it ended, the person would leave her alone. She wasn't interested in being a tutor, especially when it was probably just to be made fun of for being the teacher's pet.

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