Chapter 31

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"Come on, get up." Vanessa grinned, helping Zali up and supporting most of her weight.

"Light headed." Zali muttered.

"Just sit up then." Vanessa admitted, her silver eye glowing with an eerie bio-luminescence.

Zali groaned painfully as she swung her feet off the bed. While one arm was around Vanessa's shoulders, the other was over her chest. "This hurts... a lot."

"You have to stretch. Otherwise it's not going to heal. You can't just lay in bed. When was the last time you ate something?" Vanessa questioned.

"I haven't felt hungry..." Zali answered then paused, looking up at Vanessa even though she was clearly still in pain. "I haven't gone to the bathroom in like a month. Am I okay?"

Vanessa shrugged. "Isirona said your body is basically frozen in time due to my blood. Once you start moving it'll catch back up with you."

"Okay... well... I don't want to move... It hurts."

"Well my blood has a limit of about two months so once it wears off you're gonna have to start eating, drinking and shitting eventually. So you might as well start moving while you have the chance." Vanessa explained.

Dale made her way over, holding a binder of paperwork and placed a hand on Vanessa's shoulder, gently moving her aside so she could stand in front of Zali. "Maybe I can be of assistance?" She placed her free hand over Zali's chest, and vines grew out from her sleeve, slithering around Zali's chest, covering the bandages and acting like a brace or cast. "This will limit your range of movement so you can't strain yourself and re-open the wound. They also secrete a chemical that numbs pain. You're welcome."

"I don't know what I'd do without you Dale." Zali admitted.

Dale shrugged. "I'm happy to help."

"How are the classes going?" Zali questioned.

"Well, they've basically hired me as Lady Isirona's assistant and substitute at the same time. So I'm able to be myself while teaching her lessons."

"You can cast magic like she can?"

"Not to the same extent but, she's taught me many things in the time I've known her. And Nymphs are naturally adept at Summoning, even if it's not something that she teaches now."

Zali looked over her shoulder at the sleeping succubus, still in her true form. "How long do you think she's going to be stuck like that?"

"She's not stuck." Dale seemed a bit confused by the statement. "Lady Isirona is focusing on returning to full strength so she can jump back into teaching. She's using sleep to allow her to meditate and regain her magical energy back. Since she's putting all her effort into recovery, she has no room to focus on her form. You're not bothered by it so she doesn't mind remaining in it."

"She told me she didn't have the strength to control her form." Zali admitted.

Dale tilted her head like she was even more confused before looking back at Isirona.

"Is she lying to me?" Zali asked.

"Lady Isirona doesn't lie." Dale noted, walking around the bed and over to Isirona's side where she leaned over the sleeping succubus. Zali looked to Vanessa for answers, but the vampire just shrugged and the sisters looked back at the Nymph.

Zali thought that Dale had the upmost respect for her mistress. So she was greatly surprised when the Nymph just smacked over the head with the binder she was holding.

Isirona whined, covering her head with her arms. Dale grabbed one of Isirona's horns and pulled her head up getting the succubus to groan and sit up, trying to swat the Nymph away.

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