Chapter 50

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Zali was sitting at her desk in her bedroom, with her nose buried in her homework. She was cruising through it, getting most of it done before the succubus even got home, but she thought it was strange that her succubus hadn't greeted her when she came into the dorm.

Everything okay? She called out in thought to her lover as she leaned back from her desk to look out her doorway as the succubus had just disappeared into her own room.

Unfortunately not. Isirona answered, her thoughts seeming to be filled with irritation. A student attempted to charm me today, so my emotions are not my own. Thankfully my logic intervened, but I was not able to deflect it completely.

What's that supposed to mean? Should we be worried?

Not at all. It's only temporary, and the student was expelled of course.

Zali wasted no time jumping to her feet and heading into the succubus' room where she found the demon leaned over her own desk correcting papers. "Is it bad?" Zali questioned.

"No. I'm fully aware of my actions, but they attempted to get me to fall in love with them so I would change their grade. Unfortunately for them it meant I had to be disconnected from you, so I was able to catch onto it rather quickly, even without my nature detecting his spell."

"Are you disconnected from me?" Zali asked, looking a bit nervous.

"Not quite." Isirona smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Zali asked, glaring.

"Because I had more important things to deal with than warning you. I knew I would see you when I returned home, so there was no rush to do so. I was more focused on blocking the spell, then expelling the boy."

"Yeah, but now you have me really worried. What if he actually made it so you didn't love me anymore, or that you said really aweful things to me!?"

"If I said aweful things to you, like 'I never loved you' would you honestly believe it was me who said it?"

"I mean, if it came out of your mouth..."

"You truly have such little faith in me." Isirona rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile, like she was trying her best to act like her normal self, but that something was holding her back.

"At first I think it would really hurt me, but after I sat back and thought it through I would realize something was wrong." Zali explained. "You've gone through way too much trouble to prove to me that you're totally head over heels for me, so I know you'd never throw it away."


"But they can't break our links though right?" Zali asked.

"Only a very powerful mage could ever break a mated bond. And the only ones with that kind of power are teachers here, and all of them had extensive background checks, so none would ever have it in them to do something so cruel. Escpecially since doing so to me would cause me far too much pain for me to be of any use."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"In a succubi's case, a mated bond is like attaching my nervous system to my partners. To break my bond, is the same as breaking my nervous system."

"I can see how that would be painful."

"Unimaginably so. If I even survived the process I would be in incredible pain for the rest of my life. I'd likely be immobile as well, as every move I made would hurt me."

"So you can't be un-mated from me, so you'll always be able to feel my body."

"That's correct."

"You still can, even now?"

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