Chapter 21

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Zali couldn't stop herself from staring at the Succubi teaching her class. She knew she should have been paying attention to what she was teaching, but instead was completely focused on her. Izzy must have noticed, but said nothing to draw attention to it. Instead, simply went on teaching the other students who were actually paying attention.

Vanessa noticed too however, and with her newfound ability to read minds, she knew better than to try and interfere. It was none of her business, and she didn't intend to make it so.

At the same time, the school was now aware that Vanessa and Zali were now step siblings. Hiding the fact that the school vampire was adopted by one of the most known Huntresses was rather difficult.

But still, no one decided to pick on her. No one made fun of her because of what she was. In fact, it seemed everyone was even more at ease around her. Since her secret was out, there wasn't much worse she could reveal to them.

Isirona wished she could enjoy her freedom as much as Zali assumed she did. Due to her succubus nature, she was still physically connected to the mage, able to feel her body and presence while also sensing her emotions. But she didn't know if Zali was aware this was because she was a succubus, or because the spell wasn't broken... which it was.

She also assumed that Vanessa knew this, and was grateful that she said nothing to her sister. The young vampire was proving to be a great friend.

"Zali, sweetie? Are you alright?" Zali heard Dale whisper in her ear. She flinched at the voice, forgetting that she was still in class.

"I'm fine." Zali whispered. "Just tired."

"I don't doubt it. You were up late last night with Lady Isirona. I feared she had done something to upset you." Dale answered.

"I'm fine." Zali repeated, not wanting to give anything away in case the nymph would refuse to let her be. She tried to focus more on what was being taught instead of whom was teaching.

"DUCK!" Someone shouted. Zali quickly reacted, ducking and covering her head with her arms as a fireball sailed over her head.

A young man ran over touching Zali's shoulder gently. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. How did you lose control like that?" Zali questioned, rubbing her arm nervously.

"I don't know. It just happened." He confessed, his expression filled with guilt.

"Is everyone alright?" Isirona asked, walking over.

"I'm fine." Zali repeated, irritation in her voice as the succubus was examining her for an injury.

"I'm so sorry Isirona! I don't know what happened! I was aiming at the dummy but the fire just came around and straight for Zali!" The boy explained, holding his wrist as he examined his palm like there was something he could see that no one else could.

"You must be more careful. You could have seriously hurt someone." Isirona explained, though there was no malice or anger in her voice. "Don't try another spell until you're sure you can control it. If you don't steel your will it will happen again."

"O-Of course. I'm so sorry Zali." He repeated.

Isirona placed a hand on his shoulder and held a gentle smile. "Stand before the practice dummy and focus your magic into your palm. But don't release it. Just channel it in a direction. Once your confident it will go where you want it, try again."

The boy bowed before walking back towards his dummy.

Isirona looked back at Zali who opened her mouth to shout that she was still fine, but the succubus beat her to it.

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