Chapter 41

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"So what do you know about Sylvia and Evania?" Vanessa asked as she nudged Janet lightly as they walked to their next class.

"Evania and her mom used to be my neighbor. They're really nice, but Eva's a little cold sometimes. She never really understood people."

"What makes you say that?"

"When she was human she was sickly." Janet shrugged. "She was rarely ever at school, and when she was she didn't have a lot of friends. I tried my best but I was really the only person who was willing to get close to her."

"So why is Sylvia trying so hard to be friends with her? She seems like she's not interested." Vanessa studied Janet's expression and the human wondered if she was trying to read her mind.

"Sylvia is an all around nice person. She's always offering to help people, even so much as to offer to do my work on the student council for me. That's the kind of person that she seems to be. But Eva doesn't like it when people go out of their way to try and help her. She probably thinks Sylvia's helping her out of pity."

"So Evania hasn't seen Sylvia do that to everyone else then?" Vanessa questioned.

"Evania doesn't usually leave the room except for classes and her mom. She doesn't even like to go out with me. Whenever I want to do something with her I'll usually tell her that I'm coming to her." Janet shrugged. "Since she can't talk and only speaks ASL she's always nervous of meeting new people and going places."

"Well, normally I'd suggest trying to fix it, but she really doesn't seem like she wants to." Vanessa sighed. "Anyways." Vanessa knocked on the next door and Janet rolled her eyes. "People like her usually need more friends. But you can't force them."

A young man with bull horns and hairy forearms answered the door. He was wearing shorts which revealed his furry goat legs. He had scraggly brown hair and beard.

Vanessa smiled. "I love this school." She muttered.

Janet rolled her eyes. "Good afternoon. We're from the student council, and we wanted to ask you if there was anything you wanted changed or added around the campus."

The gentleman seemed to contemplate it for a moment. "I think we're all set." He admitted, revealing a very heavy Irish accent. "But thank you kindly for asking. Didn't think you council folks would come door to door asking lil' ol' me's opinion."

"This school is for all of us mate." Vanessa grinned. "Not just the fancy Purebloods and noble knob ends."

The man broke out into a grin. "I'm glad to 'ear it. I knew people from all over were comin' 'ere, but I'm surprised to find someone from Ireland 'ere."

"Surprised to find a Satyr from Ireland though." Janet admitted.

"We're all over." The man waved her off. "I 'ear there's quite a bit of us in New York but I ain't been there myself. I came right 'ere the moment I heard this place was here though."

"Well we're glad to have you here mate." Vanessa smiled and shook his hand. "We'll see you around. I'm Vanessa."


"Janet." Janet shook his hand before the two of them moved on to the next dorm.

"We can skip this one." Janet admitted.

"Why's that?"

"This is Sylvia and Evania's room." Janet answered.

"We can still knock and ask." Vanessa rolled her eyes before knocking on the door.

"If Evania answers, you can't understand her." Janet rolled her eyes.

"She can't send her thoughts out?" Vanessa questioned.

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