Chapter 42

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"Isirona!" Zali growled, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at the door to her lover's bedroom. "We need to go or we'll be late!"

"Relax my love." Isirona called as she exited the room, standing in a purple dress shirt with silver embroideries around the hems. She wore black leggings with the same embroideries, giving away the fact the clothes were clearly made with her magic. "We can teleport there if we need to."

"No we can't! We're trying to show the world that we can be normal, just because humans know of our existence, doesn't mean we can go doing whatever we want." Zali rolled her eyes, dangling her car keys with her finger. "Come on, Izzy. I want to see that movie."

"Very well. You've convinced me." Isirona grinned, stepping over to kiss her lover gently. "Let's be off then."

Zali couldn't help but watch the Succubus walk past her before shaking her head and following after her. They exited the dormitories and made their way to the parking lot. Zali glanced over her shoulder at the massive school buildings, as well as several other people jumping in their cars to celebrate this Friday night.

"Are you coming?" Isirona called, leaned against Zali's car.

"Yeah." Zali called back, and the two climbed into the vehicle. The young mage then drove out of the parking lot and back towards the city.

"Are we seeing a romance movie?" Isirona questioned.

"No. You wouldn't be able to control yourself once they started having sex." Zali answered.

The succubus laughed. "Is it not on your bucket list to have sex in a movie theater? I thought for sure it was for every kid your age."

"I'm not a kid." Zali glared ahead of herself as she kept her eyes on the road.

"No, you are an adult. But even still."

"No. That's not something on my bucket list. I don't even have a bucket list."

"There is not a few things you wish to do before you die?"

"I don't think I'm going to die, thanks to you."

The succubus chuckled once more. "You did not answer my question."

"I guess technically there are a few things I want to do before I die. But I have a long time to go about doing those things, so there's really no point in worrying about them is there?"

"Can you give me an example?"

"What would you like to do before you die?" Zali countered.

"Are you putting up your walls again? It was you who asked me out tonight."

The young mage inhaled deeply. "Sorry... It's a reflex."

"Take your time."

"I guess...guess I might want to fool around in a movie theater... A bit."

"Only once?"

"Only once."

Isirona chuckled again. "If its something you want then I'll do my best to make it happen."

"I don't mean tonight!"

"Of course not. We're not seeing a romance movie." The succubus agreed.

There was a short silence that passed between them as Zali drove on before the mage interrupted it. "Look... I'm sorry I shut you out again..."

"You have sheltered yourself for so long, and only within the last year have you begun to change. I don't expect you to do a complete shift in personality overnight. It's going to take some time."

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