Chapter 12

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Zali sat at her desk in her bedroom, leaned over the textbook she was studying. She had her head resting on her arm, bored out of her mind.

Isirona was busy talking with the headmaster of the school with Marcus. Bianca was out taking care of a rogue demon.

So she was finally alone, with time to herself, and yet, she had nothing to do.

She leaned back and groaned loudly.

Can you open a portal to your pocket dimension for me? I'd like to go practice. She called out in her thoughts.

After a few seconds the portal opened in the middle of her room, showing off a picture of Izzy's bed. Zali closed her textbook and got up, stepping through the portal and onto the grass. She heard splashing in the spring and took note of the two woman sitting in the water with smiles as they talked in a language she didn't understand.

"Hey!" Zali called. The girls looked up and Zali waved, nervously. They smiled brightly, waved back, gave her a thumbs up, and continued their conversation.

They said 'do whatever you like, we'll stay over here.' Izzy told the mage.

"Why are they here?" She asked as she turned towards the field as a few straw training dummies came out of the grass.

They take care of my pocket dimension when I'm gone. In return they're allowed to stay. Those are the nymphs I told you about before. Izzy explained. They'll leave you alone, don't worry.

"When are you coming home?" Izzy asked, firing a small bolt of raw magic, finding that it was green. "H-Hey! My magic is a different color!"

Really? Perhaps when your teacher used his spell on me it damaged our bond. I'm still connected to you strongly though. The succubus offered.

"How strongly?" Zali asked, firing another small bolt, hitting the dummy on the shoulder. However she shuddered feeling arms wrap around her midsection, but when she looked down she could see nothing. However she could feel those arms tighten like she was being hugged from behind. "That's unbelievably weird." She noted.

Izzy laughed in her head and the invisible arms around the mage disappeared.

"It doesn't seem like anything's really wrong, so I won't worry about it." Zali nodded to herself. "How's your meeting going?"

He wants to use me to prove that not all demons are bad, by making me the first demon teacher in your school. Marcus will be my bodyguard in case rowdy hunters try and kill me, though I assured him I could defend myself. Izzy explained. I'm not sure if I like the idea of leaving the Wizard's Tower, to get a new teaching job.

"They're gonna think you're cheating on them." Zali laughed to herself.

Probably. Izzy agreed.

"Anyway, when are you going to be back?"

You miss me?

"I want to continue my lessons." Zali retorted quickly, trying not to fall into an emotional trap.

Izzy laughed again. I'll be home soon my love.

"Uhg... Now I really am dating my teacher." Zali groaned.

So we are dating?

"Are you sleeping with other people?"

I'm a succubus, not a whore.

"And you really like me?"

I wouldn't lead you on so much if I didn't.

"Then I guess we're dating."

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