Chapter 44

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Melisande was not amused by the little fox who dared stand up to her, but Kai also didn't seem like she cared too much about the devil.

"What the hell are you trying to prove?" Melisande growled at the fox who just held her angry expression.

"That you're an idiot who would rather throw punches and prove the humans right than stop for a second and realize how rude and spiteful you are." Kai retorted.

"Watch your mouth kid!" Melisande stepped towards Kai, the ground burning under her hoof.

"Get out of my school." Kai retorted.

Melisande answered by punching towards Kai, and opening with a gust of white flame that enveloped the poor fox. Zali's heart dropped in her chest and she wished she could move to try and help, but her body wouldn't obey. Thankfully Reza beat her to the punch.

The Baital ran over and pushed her arm up. "Are you insane Mel!? You can't attack people! No matter how much they annoy you!" Reza snapped, and turned her head to look at Kai to make sure she was alright. However even she looked shocked to see Kai standing there like nothing happened, still holding the same stance. "What?"

"She withstood my flame?!' Melisande questioned, her eyes wide in shock.

"If you had taken five seconds to note my appearance, you would have realized I'm a Fire Fox." Kai rolled her eyes like it should have been obvious.

"Not even a Fire Fox can stand my flames! Such a thing is impossible!" The devil answered.

"Enough is enough Melisande. Collect your things and leave the campus or I'll throw you out." Kai warned.

Mel went to cast another spell, but Reza slapped the devil across the face, getting her to shrink back and return to her human form. "Enough Mel! You're acting like a spoiled child! Go back to the dorm, get your things and leave." She ordered.

Mel stared at her for a moment before retreating and walking off. Reza ran over to Kai and seemed to examine her for damage as the Fox relaxed so she was standing normally, her tail swaying behind her as her ears stood up again. Zali made her way over, giving her a quick once over herself to make sure she wasn't truly burned.

"I really thought you were in trouble there Kai." Zali admitted.

"I'm glad you have faith in me." Kai answered.

"Are you really okay? She didn't hurt you?" Reza asked.

"I'm fine. I'm completely immune to all flames. I got my own from Juno's volcano." Kai shrugged.

"I guess you can't get much hotter than that then." The Baital sighed before looking towards Desdemona who was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest waiting. "Look, I'm-"

"Zip it Reza." Desdemona interrupted. "We all know that you're not to blame for Mel's temper tantrums. The poor girl just can't control herself and always has to blame me for everything."

"That doesn't make it right." Reza groaned. "She should know better than to act like that."

"How did you two meet anyway?" Zali questioned.

"That's a really long story. Maybe I'll tell you later."

Zali glanced to Desdemona who just shrugged. "It really is a long story."

"So there are actually Angels causing trouble on the campus?" Zali questioned, gently taking Kai's arm again as if inviting her back into the conversation. Her skin was unusually warm, and she wondered if Melisande's flame did actually have an effect on her.

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