Chapter 20

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"In what universe do you think I'd ever go to a school dance?" Zali glared at her brother.

Marcus was sitting across from her, watching his little sister with an amused grin. "Maybe Izzy wants to go? Why don't you take her?"

"Yeah, I'll just show my entire school that I'm dating my teacher." Zali growled.

"You were dating your teacher before she became your teacher though." Vanessa added, from where she was beside Zali. She was leaned back with her legs crossed and a glass of blood in her hand. The three of them were in Zali's house sitting in their living room waiting for Izzy to get back from the school.

"I didn't ask for your input." Zali growled.

"Well considering mom adopted her she has sway." Marcus smiled, getting Vanessa to smirk and raise her glass to him in thanks.

"I really don't understand her."

"Well, being Bianca's daughter makes dumbass hunters less likely to try and kill me. So I'm grateful." Vanessa offered.

"I hope you kissed her ass for that!"

"She's our mum. Why would I do that?" Vanessa questioned.

Zali face palmed. "Either way. I don't want to go to a stupid dance with my stupid teacher."

"We all know that's not how you really feel." Marcus laughed.

"I really don't need to hear that from you. Or you!" Zali interrupted Vanessa before she could speak, so instead she went back to sipping from her glass. "It's not something I enjoy talking about."

"Because you don't understand how you feel?" Marcus asked.

Zali glared but ultimately groaned knowing her siblings would never give up on this. "Yes! Okay. I don't get why I feel the way I do about her. You know within the first hour of meeting her I let her possess me? Like, who the fuck does that to a demon when you've been raised your whole life to kill them?"

"Wait what? Really?" Marcus asked, sitting up.

"Yeah! Even though I knew it was the dumbest thing in the world, I still let her do it. And she's never once lied to me, about anything. If she says she can do something, she does. Ever since she's gotten here she's been nothing but nice to me no matter how mean I am to her. And even still she says... She says she loves me... and it makes me feel weird." Zali put her head in her hands.

Vanessa leaned forward putting her free hand on Zali's shoulder. "You're in love with her too. You can't keep pretending your not."

"I'm not pretending anything!" Zali snapped looking up at the vampire. "I don't know how I feel, so don't tell me you do. How could you know how I feel when I don't?"

"Because I've been there?" Vanessa laughed.

"Shut up." Zali turned her head away from her.

"Look. Just go to the dance. Maybe a change of scenery might open your eyes to how you really feel?" Marcus offered. "Or even a date!"

"Are you kidding me? I don't want to go out on a date with her! She'll embarrass me!"

"That's what girlfriends do."

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"I'm pretty sure you told her she was." Marcus raised an eyebrow.

"How the fuck could you possibly know that!?"

"Because she told him." Vanessa laughed.

"She wanted to make sure me and mom were okay with it." Marcus explained. "She even admitted to having sex with you. Saying she'd take any punishment mom would give her."

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