Chapter 51

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Zali opened the door to the student council office looking very disheveled. "Sorry I'm late. I was caught up- Are you guys playing a board game?!"

Everyone looked up at Zali, revealing the papers and dice scattered across the table. The only person in the room not participating in the game was Kendra who was seated in the corner going through a binder. Desdemona sat at the end of the table with a small grin on her face as she watched Zali's expression.

Vanessa jumped to her feet with a grin. "You were taking so-o-o long! So we decided to play a game while we waited!"

"You explained to me that 'D and D' games tend to last several hours at a time." Kai answered, her eyes now a solid pink as she looked up at Zali, her head leaned on her hand like she wasn't really enjoying the situation she found herself in.

"I'm sure you'd leave if you could." Sylvia grinned.

"Chysolite is enjoying herself far too much." Kai admitted.

"Kendra!" Zali called. "Are you seriously letting them play D&D right now?! We have a party to plan!"

Kendra shrugged, flipping a page of her binder. "Janet and Vanessa told me that the party was pretty much finished with the planning phase."

"So you're playing a fucking game of D&D?" Zali grumbled.

"Don't act like you were doing anything moderately noble you knobend!" Vanessa scoffed. "You were enjoying Isirona's 'extra lessons' weren't you!"

"You shut the fuck up Vanessa or I will blast you in the face with a bolt of lightning!"

"I bet she taught you that too." Vanessa laughed.

"Perhaps you shouldn't taunt the woman who's dating one of the Council's Sponsors." Orenda laughed. Her companion Samarra sitting beside her, though she didn't have a character sheet in front of her that Zali could to see.

"Why don't you join us then?" Sylvia questioned. "I'm sure Kai would enjoy having someone who hates the game as much as her playing it."

"I'd much rather not be here at all." The Fox grumbled.

"Well you can't leave. Our possessed demon mage needs to be possessed in order to play." Vanessa noted, pointing to a sheet of paper in front of Kai who glanced down before glaring at Vanessa.

"Chysolite is more than capable of playing for me." The fox retorted, her tail swaying in her annoyance. "And I would very much like to leave." She growled as she seemingly attempted to stand, only to have an invisible force push her back down.

Vanessa sat back into her chair and Desdemona laughed. "Relax. We've played for a good hour, and are moving to the next zone. Now's the perfect chance to end this for now." She picked up a folder and placed it in the middle of the table. "Paper-clip your pages together and we'll leave everything in this folder for now and we can pick it up another time."

"You seriously made the Circle of Lust the Dungeon Master?" Zali questioned getting Vanessa to look up at her with a smile.

"You used to play D&D didn't you?" The vampire questioned.

"When I was a child yes. It was one of the things that got me interested in magic in the first place." Zali shrugged. "That doesn't mean I like it anymore."

"Sure." Vanessa rolled her eyes as she set her papers in the folder and stood up. "I have a date with Ciera, so I'll be leaving you all for now. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone." She headed out of the room giving Zali a playful grin before disappearing out the doorway.

Sylvia and Janet stood next as Kai simply moved both her hands back on the table as her eyes returned to their normal faded scarlet color. "We have movie night with Eva." Syl admitted.

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