Chapter 60

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"Congratulations." Kai noted, sitting down beside Zali as they waited for the other council members to join them.

"What?" Zali questioned, looking over at the fox who smiled softly at her.

"On your engagement?"

"Oh. Right." Zali nodded a bit before smiling and looking down at her magic ring. "I keep forgetting it's the-... how did you see it?"

"I obviously didn't." Kai rolled her eyes. "I had a vision last night."

"You have visions about my love life?"

"Sometimes they're pretty exciting. You guys like to -"

"Kai. I understand you can't always help your visions, but I really don't want to know about the times you've watched Isirona and I -"

"I don't watch." Kai laughed. "I usually just see you two duck into an empty room."

"Wait... do you have visions that basically go over your day from your friend's perspectives?"

"Sometimes. It's how I usually know what you did. It's like a condensed version of what everyone did that day." Kai smiled. "It's usually enjoyable."


"Sometimes someone has a bad day, and I know about it. But it's not right for me to just know what happened and butt in."

"You talking about Eva?"

"It's very sad." Kai seemed to frown like she was seeing the images flash in front of her eyes once more. "Sylvia's always there to take care of her, but it's upsetting to know something but not know if you have the right to say it aloud."

"I'm sure Eva would be understanding." Zali noted.

"I'm sure she would be. But it's still not fair for me to just know. It's like if I told you something deeply personal, that you knew no one else knew. But I knew."

"Well I'm sure you do know something deeply personal that no one else knows about me. Because you're a seer, and it's in your nature."

"Like, I knew that you were going to get engaged two days ago." Kai noted. "But I couldn't tell when you were actually going to do it because I can't see if you're wearing a ring. So I didn't want to say anything because then I might have told you before Isirona even asked you."

"Well I guess we should be grateful that you're so nice about eve-... we were naked when she proposed..."

"Yep." Kai opened her bag to get her paperwork out.

"Did you watch?!"

"No. Just the proposal. And the vision was mostly of your faces."


"Zali... I don't think you really want me to answer your questions, but I will if you ask them."

"So you saw-"


"Both of us?"


"Can you just look whenever you want?"


"Would you ever tell me-"

"I'm telling you now."

"That's so weird... Why would the Gods let you just watch anyone at anytime?"

"Don't know. It's not like I'm actively watching everytime you and Isirona do it. Sometimes important information like my best friend getting engaged happens while their naked and just finished having sex. I can't always control what I see."

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