Chapter 27

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Zali couldn't stop herself from constantly adjusting the collar of her shirt, like it was strangling her. She felt trapped, like she didn't have a choice, and that was partially because she didn't really.

They entered the gymnasium, and Zali was actually surprised that the music was just above a whisper, even though she could feel the beat like it should have been deafening.

Isirona took her hand with a soft grin and pulled her towards the punch bowl where they both grabbed drinks before moving off towards the edge of the gym and away from most of the people.

Zali smiled softly, as a silent thank you to the Succubus who also didn't seem to want to be here either. But she did have a point to prove, and by now learned that if Izzy wanted to do something she was going to do it.

Zali groaned and sat down. "I don't want to be here." She complained.

"I know my love. But I need to be here, and I'd rather drag you with me." Izzy answered. "But we can just avoid people for now."

"Thankfully." She watched as Vanessa and Ciera were already dancing in a crowd of people, and acting like they were the Queens of the party.

"How are they not worried?" Zali questioned.

"They're together, so they have nothing to fear." Isirona explained.

"I'm with you and that makes me more worried!" Zali barked. "You'll probably drag me onto the dance floor!"

"I wouldn't be able to dance with you I'm afraid." She looked guilty.

"What? Why?"

"Because your body pressing against mine would drive me crazy. I wouldn't be able to focus, let alone stay presentable." Isirona confessed, shuffling nervously and looking at her feet.

"It's that bad?"

"My body is completely attuned to yours because we've been together for long enough. I can pretty much feel everything you do. I can't hear your thoughts, but I can feel when you tap your foot, or stub your toe. I can even feel when you eat." She confessed. "But when we touch it's like we're one person, and my body becomes far to sensitive for something like dancing, where my instincts will want much more." She seemed almost disgusted with herself. Like even she hated that part of her.

Zali blinked, staring at her lover's confession with a bit of shock. She had trouble touching her? Then why would she want to be around her so much?

Isirona noticed this expression. "I-I didn't mean to say anything that made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

"If you can't enjoy touching me, then why be with me?" Zali asked.

"I do enjoy touching you!" Isirona leaned towards Zali, looking almost offended. "Holding hands and snuggling is enjoyable and I love every moment I get to. But dancing... that's our two bodies locked together, touching in all sorts of places... I would love to have a wonderful moment like that with you. But I'm afraid I'd lose myself far to quickly."

"I guess I understand." Zali looked back to the dance floor where Vanessa's vibrant eyes were locked on Ciera with a visible hunger as they danced together, the very way that would drive Zali's succubus completely mad. But the two of them were basically swallowed by the crowd of people around them dancing in the same way.

"She can't see anyone else can she?" Zali noted after watching them for a few moments.

"That's how most demons are." Isirona confessed. "With us, there's usually only ever one person who'll ever complete us. I know Dragons are one of the few demons who don't know until they're linked. Dragons can only really link to their mates, but until they do they don't know. Succubi, Vampires, Werewolves, even Shades know just by seeing them."

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