Chapter 64

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"So is there a reason my classroom smelled like-"

"Kai, I swear to god." Zali grumbled, hitting her binder to her forehead. "I just... when she asks it's like every part of me demands."

"Well, you are bound body, mind and soul to her. I wouldn't be surprised if you were turning into a Succubus yourself." Kai shrugged as they walked around the campus.

"I don't know if I could handle being a succubus." Zali shivered, her grip tightening on Kai's arm. "When I feel her tail its completely overwelming. That was... It was a lot. I can't possibly understand how she doesn't just completely lose it when I touch it."

"It's her nature." Kai shrugged. "Just as it's in my nature to feel everyone's emotions, its her's to deal with overwelming pleasure."

"Izzy explained that it's all of our bonds that are starting to blend us together a bit. That 'Our bodies, minds and souls are connected'." Zali shrugged. "Not really sure what that's supposed to mean."

"I would imagine it's literal. After all, you have a physical bond due to her succubus nature, a mental one from Chysolite, and a soul one through the book and your ring. I wouldn't be surprised if her nature could seep out through you." Kai explained.

That would be something to be cautious of my love. I would hate to have you get turned on and take advantage of the first person you see. Though I suppose Kai wouldn't react too violently to such actions. Came Isirona's thoughts.

"I don't think Kai would appreciate me losing control of your nature and making out with her." Zali snarled back, not even registering that it was a thought she was responding to.

"Appreciate it? Perhaps not. But I would understand it." Kai explained.

"W-What? Don't say things like that."

"If your nature got the better of you, then I'm sure you would quickly regret the action and beg forgiveness. I feel your embarrassment would be punishment enough." Kai explained.

"You're far too kind to be a God."

"True. Perhaps I should light you on fire for daring to sully my divinity with your mortal filth?"

"Please don't."

"Too far?" Kai smirked playfully but her tone had not changed, making it difficult to tell if she was kidding or not.

"I love you Kai, but I don't think I'm ready for anything crazy in my relationship."

"Neither am I." Kai answered. "I'm still not a fan of people seeing my skin, it's something I've only just started to get over. So having someone other than Chysolite see me naked only makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. Not that anyone could survive getting close enough to take advantage of me."

"I'd never do anything like that to you Kai. I'm sure Izzy is just exaggerating."

"Be cautious anyway okay? I would hate for something bad to happen to you. Humans dating demons are pretty rare. And a human binding herself to a succubus hasn't happened before."

"It had to have happened at some point." Zali rolled her eyes.

"Succubi have been mated to humans before yes, but they've never used magic to bind themselves to each other like you have before. Tuthfully we dont know what could happen." She shrugged. "So be careful. Escpecially when it comes to lust."


"Think about it this way then." Kai offered, stopping and getting Zali to pause and look at her. "What if I asked you to take me somewhere private?"

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