Chapter 75

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"Isirona!" Zali yelled across the dorm as she stepped out of her bedroom in nothing but a towel with a glare that could kill. "Where the fuck did you put my underwear?!"

"You don't need it my love." Isirona's sing-song voice responded. "Why ever would you?"

"Because it's underwear! I have a class in an hour!" Zali left the bedroom to look for her succubus whom she found in her own bedroom leaned over her desk. She did however turn to look at Zali with a smirk on her face "Isirona!"

"I'm afraid I have no idea where they could have gone to." The succubus answered. "It's not as though I would try to disrupt your schooling. I am a professor here after all."

"I swear to god."

"Honestly my love, what do you take me for?"

"A succubus. Now give me back my underwear."

"You have no need for it for another hour." Isirona answered, standing up with a smile.

"You really think I'm going to reward you because you took my underwear?"

"It's hardly a reward. You're not a trophy my love. Plus, you enjoy it as much as I do." Isirona smiled devilishly, her tail swaying behind her like a cat hunting it's prey.

Zali crossed her arms over her chest, holding up her towel. "Honestly Isirona. Give me my underwear back or I'll put our wedding in a church to watch you burst into flames."

Isirona laughed. "I'm afraid I'm perfectly capable of walking on hollowed ground. It just leaves an unpleasantness in my stomach. Though, I don't think we could do that, as most of our friends, your sister included, may have similar if not more violent reactions."

"Vampires can't go to church? That seems stupid. They're not devils."

"No. But it's considered Hollowed Ground. The air is blanketed in protection spells used to ward off evil. It's common practice now, I'm not even sure the priests realize such a thing still works."

"Whatever, give me back my underwear!" Zali snapped.

Isirona grinned moving towards Zali who stepped back cautiously. "Underwear first!"

"You don't need it."


"Zali." Isirona retorted, still moving towards her. Zali went to run but Isirona moved quickly, wrapping her arms around the mage's waist and pulling her in for a happy hug from behind before dragging her back into the bedroom.

Zali whined and tried to wiggle free, though even she knew she wasn't giving it her all. Her will was further taken away when Isirona placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder that very quickly turned into a hickey.

"Isirona." Zali muttered under her breath.

"Tell me my love." Isirona whispered in her ear. "How badly you want me to stop."

"Go fuck yourself." Zali retorted as Isirona practically carried her towards the bed.

"Now why ever would I do that, when I have you right here?" Isirona questioned.

Zali groaned at the joke then pulled herself from Isirona's grasp, taking a few steps closer to the bed before turning to face her, putting a hand over her new hickey while her other arm held up the towel. "I guess I should be thankful it's lower than the other ones. I'm getting really sick of people teasing me over your stupid need to mark me. I thought only werewolves liked marking their mates?"

"As far as I'm aware that's simply a myth. Most races don't have an instinctual need to physically mark their mates, when our scents and souls do that for us." Isirona answered.

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