Chapter 68

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"Are you sure this is normal?" Zali questioned, watching Sylvia write down frantic notes as she stood at the kitchen counter of her and Evania's dorm. Zali and Kai were standing on either side of said vampire who shook her head at Zali's question.

The vampire turned to face them so she could sign to Zali and use her thoughts on Kai.

She's been like this for a while. She's trying to start her research on containing my magic, but she doesn't really know where to start. Evania explained.

Kai rolled her eyes, her tail flicking behind her as she crossed her arms. "If you're doing research then what are Zali and I doing here?" She asked.

"Well, you're a God. So I thought maybe you might have some magic trick inside your pocket or something." Sylvia shrugged. "And Zali's dating- marrying Isirona so she has her endless knowledge of the arcane arts."

"What about you?" Zali asked. "I can't imagine you spent all your time in the Wizard's Tower learning languages."

Sylvia went to retort but then shrugged. "Languages taught me a lot of new spells, but I can't say that I focused on a single field in particular. I was always just curious to learn everything so I got distracted very easily."

"So you need our help to do this?" Kai asked.

"I need something to start with. Give me an idea!" Sylvia answered.

Kai rolled her eyes and put a hand on Evania's shoulder, getting her to pause and look at her curiously. "Try speaking."

"What? Just like that? Even you can't just-"

"Hi?" Evania offered.

Everyone blinked and stared at Kai in amazement. "HOW!? How did you do that!?" Sylvia asked.

"My magic cancels out other magic. It's just as you said, I'm a God." Kai shrugged.

"Maybe I can capture a portion of your divinity to use in the choker? Then it would cancel out her magic as long as she wore it!" Sylvia grinned.

Kai stepped back nervously. "Um... I like my divinity right where it is thanks. I'll have to pass."

"I don't want all of it, just a reflection of it. A part of what you want it to do!" Sylvia answered, in thought before collecting magic in her hands.

"Uh... Sylvia I don't think that's a good idea." Zali offered. "If Kai doesn't want you to then you probably shouldn't-"

Evania turned to look at Kai as the fox kept backing up before her eyes widened. She tugged on Zali's arm and pointed behind the God.

"Kai! Wait stop moving you're going to-" Zali jumped forward to catch Kai's shirt to pull her back, managing to do so just before Kai tripped over the stool behind her. However she bumped into Evania in her panic, causing her to trip and fall towards the counter, knocking over Sylvia's binder.

Sylvia yelped as it landed on her foot, and let her magic spark forwards, slamming into Zali's back and throwing her into Kai where they both fell over the stool.

Evania and Sylvia rushed over to make sure the two of them were okay, only to find Kai had vanished completely, and only Zali was picking herself off the floor, pushing aside the stool roughly. "Magic is dangerous Sylvia!" She snapped as she picked herself up. "Don't cast spells without proper focus or you could- oh no." Zali blinked a few times before looking down at her hands in shock. She spun around and glared at Sylvia as flames licked at her hair and arms. "Did you just trap me in Zali?!"

Zali's left eye now matched Kai's scarlet but her glare was taken over by an expression of panic as she tried to put out the flames on her arms out of reflex.

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