Chapter 17

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It didn't take long for news of what happened to spread throughout the entire school. After all, when Vanessa came into the building with Zali, people tended to notice.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Zali asked, noticing a few odd looks from other students as they walked down the hallway.

"Dale is with me, so I'll be fine." Vanessa answered, motioning to the blue flower wrapped around her left ear.

"If you say so." Zali sighed.

"Don't worry so much about me. I'm just excited to be back." She smiled.

"Yeah, but other people might not be so happy about it." Zali noted.

"Let them be." The vampire scoffed. "I was never a problem and I don't intend to be. I just want to keep studying."

"Well.. Good luck today." Zali sighed. "Don't do anything Izzy would do."

Vanessa laughed wholeheartedly. "I intend to go about my day like I used to. If anyone else wants to be difficult, then let them." She disappeared into her classroom and Zali continued down the hallway towards her own.

Vanessa sat at her desk and smiled softly, noticing that the other students gave her quick glances but otherwise sat down as normal.

"It doesn't look like it'll be too bad." She heard Dale whisper to her.

"I look forward to the day." Ness answered in her own whisper.

The girl she usually sat next to tapped her on the shoulder and Ness looked at her curiously.

"Your eyes are prettier when they aren't hidden." The girl smiled softly.

"They used to be blue." Vanessa confessed. "But I guess the glowing is nice."

"So it's true? You were turned?"

"Yeah. A few years ago. I'm as old as you."

"But why would your parents lie about you?"

Vanessa shrugged. "They were worried more about their family name than their daughter. They couldn't stand having me be a vampire, so they wanted to get rid of me."

"Well I'm glad you have people looking out for you then."

"Thanks Kathy." Ness smiled.

"If you ever want to talk let me know." Kathy returned a genuine smile.

"Something tells me this won't be as bad as Zali thought." Dale whispered. "Lady Isirona has a way with getting things done."


Zali managed to stop the glass from falling over as she was pressed against the table. Isirona trailed kisses down her neck, planting her wet lips on the young mage's collarbone.

The glass in Zali's hand slipped from her grasp where it shattered on the floor. "S-someone will hear us." Zali snarled through her teeth.

"Doesn't that make it more exciting?" The succubus purred, her tail swaying behind her as she was now straddling her lover a top the table in the chemistry lab.

"But they'll think you're taking advantage of me."

"I am." Izzy chuckled quietly.

"W-Why all of a sudden..."

"I've missed you." Izzy confessed. "I haven't had you to myself in a while between Vanessa and teaching, I feel us drifting, and I don't want that."

"Isirona..." Zali looked up at her succubus with genuine love in her eyes. She pulled the Succubi's head up and into a loving kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance.

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