Chapter 53

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Zali groaned in annoyance as her sister and Isirona basically pushed her into the gym revealing it to be decorated in full party gear. There was a huge table set up with what appeared to be hundreds of different types of food, and several people overseeing it to make sure no one ate what they couldn't.

There were streamers thrown into the rafters and a discoball set up with a DJ against the far wall.

"I thought you said it was supposed to be more like a gathering!" Zali growled.

"I just said that so you'd come." Vanessa answered with a grin before disappearing into the crowd. Zali was quite upset to discover that it was indeed a party, and it seemed like most of the entire school had shown up. They had passed a lot of people on the way in, and those halls had been decorated as well, which meant that Vanessa had known long before that it was going to be a party, and she and Sylvia likely decorated the entire building to make sure that there was plenty of room for everyone who wanted to show up.

Except Zali of course.

Isirona wasted no time looping her arm through Zali's to prevent any kind of escape. The succubus had once again cast her magical-musical-mute spell, which drowned out the music in the gym so she and Zali could hear each other easily. "Would you like to try and find Kai? I'm sure she's waiting for you somewhere."

"There's no way in hell that she would let Chysolite take her anywhere near this." Zali grumbled. "She would have turned right around at the door."

Sure enough, upon first glance Kai and her green Zealot were no where to be seen in the gym.

"They might not be here per say, but they'll likely be somewhere else in the building just in case something goes wrong." Isirona explained.

"Do you want to stay in this room then?"

"Not at all." Isirona admitted. "I'm not a fan of crowds myself."

Zali remembered clearly how the succubus looked the night of the dance for her old school. Sure enough she had the same expression on her face this time as well. She was clearly uncomfortable with all the bodies rubbing against each other, and definately didn't want to be in this particular room.

"Do you think we can find somewhere less crowded? I'm sure Vanessa wouldn't mind as long as we didn't leave the building itself." The succubus asked.

Zali nodded, and the two exited the way they came, wandering the halls a bit to try and avoid any sort of crowded room. As they were walking past a smaller room with much quieter music playing inside, Zali spotted familiar red hair and smiled, noticing that Kai was laying on a couch in what looked to be a teacher's lounge with Chysolite and Nebit dancing like fools in the middle of the room. Sylvia and Evania were seated on a different couch, watching the two with amused grins. The coffee table between the couches had three bowls of chips with several dips between them.

"Good to see you're all having fun." Isirona smiled brightly.

"Oh thank god." Kai groaned. "Zali's here right?"

Zali smiled and moved around the dancers to sit beside Kai as she sat up. "I'm here. Isirona and I wanted to leave the dance floor. We both don't like crowds."

"She won't let you leave either then?" Kai asked.

"Vanessa won't let me leave. Isirona is just trying to keep me company while I'm imprisoned." Zali admitted.

"Oh relax." Sylvia scoffed. "It's not so bad. As long as you're having fun it doesn't really matter where you are."

"So you're here to keep Evania company then?" Isirona asked.

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