Chapter 72

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Zali couldn't help herself but feel slightly awkward around the Fire Fox from then on. Not only did she confess to a wretched upbringing, she also teased at Isirona's nature, and by extention Zali's own. She got the impression she would be waiting a long time, but she was immortal now, and so that time might pass quicker than she expected.

She realized only after she left that she had forgotten to ask Kai why she didn't go to the council meeting that day. Zali knew she would see Kai again and could ask her later so she didn't worry about it. Instead she returned home to give her succubus a well deserved scolding.

The next day, she found Kai sitting in the council office with her notes out in front of herself. She was leaned to the side her head supported by her hand but Zali couldn't tell if her eyes were opened due to her blindfold. She seemed to be sleeping.

Zali came over and set her things down in the empty seat beside her before gently shaking her. The fox flinched, her right ear flicking before she turned her head towards Zali. "Sorry. I think I dozed off."

"Are you feeling okay?" Zali asked, sitting beside her. She did little to hide the genuine worry from her expression as Kai pulled her blindfold off to rub at her eyes.

"I'm okay. I'm just tired." Kai answered. "I haven't been sick since I became a God."

"You look pretty sick." Zali offered.

"I'm tired." Kai repeated. "I haven't been sleeping well."

"Are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

"You could say that."

"Kai, just talk to me."

"A lot of students are stressing over everything that's happened. So much so that there's just a lot of negative energy throughout the school." The fox explained. "It's difficult to sleep with so many people being frustrated and scared."

"Can you find a different place to sleep?"

"I think my best course of action will be to leave the school when I'm not needed." Kai answered.

"Wait... you're going to leave?"

"Not entirely. I'll still be attending the school. I just... wouldn't live here."

"You would commute."

Kai didn't seem to understand the word for a moment before she nodded. "Yes. I do believe that is the term that Miss Arthur used."

"You already talked about it with her?"

"I didn't want to wait too long and have my studies disrupted due to my lack of sleep. With Chysolite bouncing back and forth between worlds trying to maintain a balance it's difficult enough as it is."

"But... I'm going to miss you."

Kai smiled a bit. "I'm still going to see you everyday. You just won't be able to find me when I leave to sleep in Exodious."

"But there's a time difference-"

"Dragoon has corrected the time difference. However long passes for me, will also pass for you." Kai answered. "It would only be a few hours a day where you can't find me... are you sure you're not in love with me?"

Zali slammed her hands against the table with a grumble. "Can you please stop teasing me like that? Isirona will never let it go and it's bad enough I'm struggling with my own morals here."

Kai reached out and put a gentle hand on Zali's shoulder where her discomfort seemed to vaporize. "Relax. I'm only joking around."

"But you're not." Zali grumbled again, dropping her face into her hands. "Because I really don't know if it's just Isirona or not anymore."

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