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Ray Ray Rodriguez swiped sweat off of his brow. Time was almost up and his team was down by two points. If he shot this three-pointer it would mean they won. If he missed he'd let the whole school down.

I can do this. I can do this. He said in his head as he felt like everything slowed down. Adrenalin was pumping through him but he felt calm, confident. He threw the ball as the clock counted down the final ten seconds and watched with baited breath as it sailed through the air and towards the basket.

The crowd cheered loudly as the orange ball fell cleanly into the net and the timer went off. Before Ray Ray could even fully comprehend the fact that he had won the game he found himself being lifted off his feet by his teammates.

They chanted his name and said how much of a great captain he was. This was their third win in a row and the third time he'd scored the winning basket. The team was well on its way towards the championships if they kept up the good work.

"Who's the man?" One guy on his team called loudly.

"Ray's the man!" The others answered as the audience kept cheering excitedly.

"Said who's the man?" The boy called more fiercely.

"RAY'S THE MAN! YAAAAY!" The team cheered.

Ray Ray felt like a real champion once again. He looked through the crowd for his father's face.

His dad was nodding and giving him a thumbs up, saying 'good job' though Ray couldn't hear him over all the cheering. His mother was next to his father clapping and cheering with a proud smile on her face. Her mouth was saying 'that's my baby'. His younger siblings were both there hopping up and down in excitement and waving at him. The sight brought tears to his eyes. He didn't really do this for the glory he got from the school but to make his family proud. The number one thing he wanted was a basketball scholarship to a good college. That's what his folks wanted as well. That was why he worked so hard.

His team mates set him down as everybody kept on cheering. He put up his arms like the victor he was then looked at his parents. They nodded and he smiled. "PARTY AT MY HOUSE!"

The whole team cheered.


The next day at school when Ray Ray walked in wearing his basketball jersey, all of the kids in the hallway cheered. He nodded feeling loved.

"Thank you, thank you." He said as he walked by.

"You were really good last night Ray." A blonde girl said excitedly to him.

"Yeah, you were amazing." A brunette said giggling and waving as he tried to get to his locker.

"Oh uh . . . thank you ladies." He felt himself blush a little. "I'm just glad I could make our school proud." He said as they ran off giggling. He shook his head. Everyone at this school worshiped him. They all called him 'the most popular guy at school' whatever that meant. Teenagers, he thought shaking his head. When he got to his locker he pulled it open to take the books he needed for his first class.

"Hey Ray." An excited male voice said from next to him.

Ray Ray frowned then closed his locker door to see a guy about half an inch shorter than him standing next to him with a dumb smile on his face. "Uh hey . . ." Ray said with a confused look.

"You the hero of the school now bro." The boy said giving Ray a light punch on the shoulder. "And every hero need a sidekick so here I am." The boy opened up his arms as if he was some kind of special prize and he was showing himself off. He raised his eyebrows.

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