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"Leigh-Anne!" Mrs. Pinnock yelled at the first sight of her daughter. "Are you alright sweetie?"

Leigh-Anne nodded as she chewed on her lower lip, nerves turning her stomach. She looked down at the hand she had gripping Jesy's. Jesy was still partially inside, saying something to a butler that had asked her a question.

When both girls were fully out of the front door Mrs. Pinnock scowled. She did not like this trouble maker touching her daughter at all.

"Darling you should calm down. I'm sure Lee-Lee has a reason for deceiving us." Mr. Pinnock said in a mild voice. He thought back on his words. "I probably shouldn't have phrased it like that . . ."

"Get your hands off of my daughter this instance!" Mrs. Pinnock yelled. She looked both girls over and gasped at what Leigh-Anne was wearing. "Why are you dressed like that? Where did you get those clothes?"

Leigh-Anne gulped as she remembered the lace shorts she was wearing beneath the jersey. She hoped that her mother wouldn't notice it as the jersey covered it partially.

"They're mine. You need to chill lady." Jesy said rudely. The way Leigh-Anne was reacting to having to go home was making her insanely angry at her parents. "It's just sleepwear."

"Where are your clothes Leigh?" Sairah asked with her eyes narrowed and fixed on the girl holding Leigh-Anne's hand.

"They're in the wash. I'll bring them for her tomorrow." Jesy answered before Leigh could say anything.

"What have you done to her? Why isn't she speaking?" Mrs. Pinnock asked. "She looks terrified. Leigh-Anne come here. We're taking you away from this scum. Did she touch you?"

Leigh could only manage to shake her head. She tightened her hold on Jesy's hand.

"She would actually like to stay. And no I did not touch her . . . at least not anywhere she didn't want me to." Jesy winked. She couldn't help but tease. These people were too fun to harass.

Mr. Pinnock shook his head. He was so confused about this girl and Leigh-Anne. "Princess, you want to stay here?" He asked gently as he started to ascend the steps to the front door.

"I really would like to Daddy." Leigh said softly.

"Why?" Mr. and Mrs. Pinnock asked together.

"I . . . I like Jesy . . ." She said lamely. "She makes me feel . . ."

"Good." Jesy finished for her. She smirked at the horror struck mother and sister of Leigh-Anne. Leigh-Anne's dad just looked confused. She winked then blew a kiss at Leigh-Anne's mother.

Leigh-Anne tried not to giggle at the way Jesy was getting on. She found her funny despite the damage she was causing. "Babe stop." She said in a not at all convincing voice.

"Mum did she just call her babe?" Sairah asked with a look of disgust.

"Leigh-Anne! We are leaving right now. Get over here. I've told you before that you are forbidden from seeing this rapist lover of yours!" Mrs. Pinnock screamed.

"Mum we are not lovers!" Leigh yelled.

"It's not rape if she wants it." Jesy said at the same time Leigh spoke.

"Come here Leigh-Anne." Mrs. Pinnock ordered.

Leigh-Anne bit her lip and faced Jesy. She really didn't want to go but she couldn't put her parents through more worrying. "I guess there's no convincing them . . . especially not with you making dirty comments."

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