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It was now two a.m and Jesy's sobs were getting worse to listen to. The girl had started wailing at about one while everyone had dozed off a little. The sound of hard gasps had awoken them all. It seemed that Jesy had returned from her walk in a fit.

Perrie was covering her ears. She wanted to go comfort her friend but she felt as if she could not move. Jesy's crying was scaring her. It was like the sound of thunder to a child. Frightening.

"Is she crying or dying?" Prod asked in fear. He would go out there to help her but he didn't think he could.

"Crying." Namjoon answered. "But it seems as if she may be hyperventilating as well."

"Can't that cause her to pass out?" Princeton asked looking concerned. He was worried for her.

Namjoon nodded. He looked up at them. "Do any of you know how to calm her down? You're all her friends."

They all shook their heads. "We've never seen her cry. I didn't even know she did." Prodigy mumbled.

Namjoon sighed. They couldn't just leave her out there to possibly pass out from hyperventilation.

Perrie suddenly stood. "I'll go." She said. She gulped then left the room in search of Jesy.

As Perrie entered the dark ominous hall she became instantly afraid. This was like a haunted house to her and she was terrified of ghosts. She heard something scurry across the floor and she shrieked. "Probably just a mouse . . . I'm afraid of mice." She whimpered as she continued to walk.

Perrie didn't have to go too far to reach to Jesy. She caught sight of the girl in one of the rooms of this giant building. "Jesy," She started. "Are you alright?" She asked running in.

Jesy didn't hear Perrie. The sounds of her lungs screaming for air were drowning everything out. She'd tried. She had tried so hard to keep her tears back. She'd walked for hours. But as soon as she stepped foot back in here the tears were slipping down her face and she couldn't make it back into the room the others were in. She'd retreated to a corner to try to do some deep breathing and some counting. It hadn't worked though. Her sobs had started and became a full on episode.

Perrie knelt where she could hear as well as see Jesy's form. The franticness with which the girl cried was alarming and Perrie started shaking in apprehensive fear. "Jes? It's okay . . . Everything'll be fine . . . we need to keep it together . . . and you're keeping everyone up . . ."

"G-get . . . lost." Jesy wept and gasped. "L-l-leave m-me alone . . . I'm . . . I'm b-busy b-being al-l-l-loser." She looked at Perrie in the darkness. She couldn't really see her. Her own tears were blurring everything beyond compare and black spots were swimming across her vision. She couldn't breathe. She hated this. Her brain was a tornado raging and shooting thoughts of Jade, Leigh-Anne and Ryan. She couldn't get a grip on herself. Why me?

"No. I can't leave. I don't want you to pass out Jesy . . . I want you to be okay . . ." Perrie said trying hard not to start crying. "I know things are bad right now but . . ." She sniffed. "Jes I've never seen you cry before. Stop. Please?"

Jesy kept on crying hard, her head swimming and the darkness consuming her. Now she was hurting Perrie too. Perrie usually thought that she was cool. What was she thinking of her now? Her ragged gasps became quicker.

Perrie tried to wrap her shaking arms around Jesy to hold her, "W-we need t-to b-be strong Jesy . . . W-we n-need to be ss-strong f-f-for each other . . . I wish my p-powers cc-could heal your heart right now."

The blonde could feel Jesy's body convulsing in her arms. It was an unsettling feeling on top of the actual sounds. To literally feel the shaking and gasping was heart breaking. She wanted to make it stop. Jesy was usually so stoic. "Jes . . . breathe please. Slowly." She said frantically.

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