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"And he just so nice and cool. I never thought that I would meet somebody who can dance that well." Prodigy was yapping to Ray Ray as he, Roc Royal and Justin stood outside of Ray's car.

"Yeah and he funny too. He told us a joke about . . . Aye Ray. You okay man?" Roc asked as he noticed the sweat practically dripping from Ray Ray's chin.

Ray Ray who was sitting in his car in the school parking lot snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Roc Royal. He wiped at the sweat on his forehead. "I am completely fine thank you very much." He lied. The whole Yoongi wanting to kill him thing was hitting him hard. Somebody wanted to kill him, wanted him dead, out of existence. He shuddered. "And I'm pretty sure he knows exactly how to do it."

"What you say?" Justin, Prodigy's annoying friend, asked.

"Nothing." Ray Ray said subconsciously. Then he realized something. "Why the hell are you guys standing outside of my car? Go away."

"Because we telling you about the newest member of our band. He so good!" Prodigy said excitedly.

Ray Ray rolled his eyes. "I don't care about yo-"

"It's so great. I mean, we finally have like some real variety." Justin started to Ray Ray's annoyance. "Prod and I are black, Roc's the light skin brother and he's Asian."

Ray Ray's head perked up. "Wait a minute . . ."

"Yeah . . . I'm pretty sure that you ain't black. You light skin like me man." Roc Royal corrected him.

"True, true." Justin agreed.

Prodigy shook his head. "Guys, guys. Light skin ain't a race. And Justin, bro, you the white guy, I'm the black, Roc mixed and Ho- I mean J-hope is Korean." He was nodding slowly by the end, proud of what they were.

Ray Ray couldn't believe these idiots. "Guys, 'J-Hope' is Asian."

"Right he is." Prodigy said.

"There are a number of Asian guys who want to kill us." Ray Ray said feeling a bead of cold sweat run down his back. "Chances are that J-Hope is one of them. He joined your band m-most likely to get close to you so HE CAN MURDER YOU WHEN YOU'RE OFF GUARD!" He shouted frantically. He covered his mouth as he turned to Justin. He hadn't really taken heed of the outsider's presence.

Prodigy waved Justin off as if saying he wasn't a threat. "Don't worry about Justin man he knows about us."

Ray Ray's eyes widened. "Wait . . . You told him!"

"Yup." Prodigy replied shortly clearly not sensing Ray's anger.

"Don't worry man your secret's safe with me. I only told one person." Justin said lightly.

"AND YOU TOLD SOMEONE ELSE!" Ray Ray yelled. He put a hand to his forehead. "Who'd you tell? J-Hope?"

"No. My dog." Justin whispered to Ray Ray. He winked.

Ray Ray blew out a sigh of relief. He shook his head. "Anyway I'm pretty sure this J-Hope guy is one of the people after us."

Roc Royal shook his head as if disappointed by Ray Ray's behaviour. "Man stop it. Stop being so damn racist. Just 'cause he Asian don't mean he wanna kill us or nothing. He nice and even got a dope sense of style."

"Stylish clothes! He is one of- Oh my God." Ray began to bite at his nails. "Look y'all need to stay away from that guy, one. Two; y'all need to get away from my goddamned car and three; Where on earth is that annoying know-it-all?"

"You mean Princeton? I don't know where he is. Probably in the library. He like it in there though I don't know why. It so quiet and isolated." Prodigy said. "Anyway, I guess we should get going." He raised a hand to wave at Ray Ray.

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