Angelic Butterfly

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"You're a monster. You are a monster. I still don't know what came over you but that was horrible . . ." Ray Ray was going on at lunch time. "I mean I knew you were a douche but hurting Leigh-Anne's feelings? Telling her . . ." He shook his head unable to continue.

Princeton rolled his eyes. After having time to reflect on the situation over the weekend he realized that he had been just a bit harsh with his words on Saturday. The fact that Jade seemed so upset about it probably had much more to do with his regret than his conscience. There clearly had to be more to the pompom girl than what he saw if Jade felt so strongly about her. Besides, did it really matter Leigh-Anne's reasons for being the 'angel' of the school? She was probably helping at least some kids to be kinder. Her foolish actions weren't hurting anyone.

"Yes I know I'm terrible and you hate me. It's fine. I plan on apologizing to her." Princeton said in a voice much calmer than Ray's.

"You plan on it? You better go apologize right now. She didn't answer any of my calls over the weekend. Plus . . . we let her go off in a car with Jesy." Ray said nervously. "I mean I texted Jade to make sure Jesy didn't kill her or something but I'm still worried."

"So you agree that your 'girlfriend' is a maniac?" Princeton asked with a raised brow.

Ray Ray sighed. "She may be a maniac but she'll be my maniac soon." He licked his lips.

Princeton was disgusted. He'd had nightmares about that angry beautiful girl shooting fire at him on Saturday night. There may have been something slightly sexy about the whole thing but the fear and trauma he felt in the moment totally eclipsed any possible feeling of appeal. In fact the notion of him finding her sexy in that moment was sick. He felt repulsed with himself and with Ray Ray for still being attracted to her after that display. He hated that Jesy was attractive and rich and able to make people like her despite her foul attitude and clear abhorrence for human beings in general. Yet he still wanted to figure out how Jade could stand being so close to her. And how Jesy herself managed to not scare Jade away.

"Guys guys!" Prodigy screamed coming their way. He had ketchup on his face and clothes.

"What happened to you?" Ray Ray asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hoseok was pretending that he killed us to his team/brothers and they didn't believe him!" Prodigy yelled as he stopped and panted in front of the two older boys.

"Did he use ketchup as blood?" Princeton asked, disgusted at the level of idiocy.

"Yeah." Prodigy nodded. "But that's not what I wanted to say. His brothers gave him vacation time from the killing mission because he don't wanna kill us . . . and there's a doctor forcing them or some shit . . . Hoseok was telling us that he be living underground." Prodigy sniffled. "Can you believe they whipped him when he danced down there?" He shook his head and tried to keep back tears.

"Uh . . . calm down dude," Ray Ray said feeling concerned.

Prod shook his head some more. "I don't think they wanna kill us but . . ." He blew out a breath. "Man I don't know. Anyway Hoseok staying at Justin's house for a lil bit so we on time-out from the whole killing thing alright?" He nodded. "Alright that's it bros, just giving a lil heads up." He started walking away. "By the way one of those guys was very handsome. He had these broad shoulders . . . Man I wish I looked like that. Bye."

"Thank you." A voice said from the tree above their heads.

Ray Ray and Princeton both looked up but didn't see anyone.

"You again?!" Ray Ray yelled. They had thrown a rock up at the tree before they settled to eat and deduced that there was no one hiding there. "Get your ass down here!"

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