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". . . and it was so strange because how on Earth can a dome appear out of nowhere?" Jesy's mother was pondering as she sat at the dining room table while the entire family ate a meal. Jesy's friend Jade was there.

"I knew it!" Said Jesy's kid brother who was a genius. He was called Josh. "She did it." He pointed at Jesy. "She's a witch!"

The Mother rolled her eyes. "You're back with this nonsense again Joshie?" She asked.

"Doesn't sound far-fetched to me." Jesy's father muttered. Only the mother heard him and shot him a look.

"It is true. Deny it Jesy. I dare you." The young boy said. He was twelve.

Jesy growled. "If I'm a witch then you're a slimy, ugly frog." She stuck her tongue out at him.

Jade giggled. Jesy's family was funny. They had all decided to come home since Jesy almost died about two times. It was Mrs. Nelson's idea to check on Jesy it seemed. Although to Jade it didn't seem like Jesy's father was very eager to be here.

"Once again you're both annoying." Said Jesy's older brother; Johnny. He threw one of his meat balls at Josh. "Slip of the hand." He said lamely.

"Ow! And he's mean!" Josh complained holding his cheek where the food had hit.

Jesy's older sister shook her head. "Why can't you all be well behaved like Jade?" She pointed to Jesy's little new friend who was eating quietly. "She's so quiet and calm."

"I bet it's all an act. She and Jesy are working together to take over-" Josh was saying but his mother ordered him to sit down.

"Ha!" Jesy said. "You're an annoying brat that no one likes." She sneered at him.

"Am not." Josh argued.

"Another day in paradise." Mr. Nelson muttered.


"So how tall was it?" Ray's little brother Tayquan asked Ray as he sat on his bed with his twin sister.

"The lizard was real tall but I didn't get a close look since I was running away y'know." Ray answered. His little siblings seemed to be really fascinated about what transpired three weeks ago. He was lying on his bed before dinner and they just came in.

"So you didn't try to fight it and save everybody? Aren't you the strongest man in the world Ray Ray?" Kaylie asked softly with sparkles in her eyes.

Ray Ray laughed. He wished he could tell them that he was the one who destroyed it and saved everyone. "No. I didn't go near that thing."

"But you're a super hero aren't you?" Tay Tay asked.

Ray chuckled. "Nah. I'm just a regular guy."

"But we saw you flying once." Kay Kay said scratching her head.

"Yeah and you breathed ice once too." Tay Tay said.

Ray sat up from where he was laying back. "What? When did y'all see-"

"Some time back when you came home late. We was waiting for you." Tay Tay said.

"You so cool." Kay Kay said feeling excited.

Ray Ray couldn't believe this. They knew. "Wow okay so y'all know. You can't tell anyone alright?"

"We weren't going to fool." Tay Tay answered. "Now please tell us that you destroyed that thing and that's why everybody safe."

Ray smirked. "I did. It's a really cool story . . ." He started telling them what happened and how it happened.


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